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Broadcast Monitoring

TV & Radio

Receive comprehensive coverage from TV & Radio stations across the top 210 designated market metro areas in the United States. Broadcast monitoring offers unique benefits, such as real-time coverage, audio-visual content, wide reach, emotional impact, and the authority and influence of local personalities – making broadcast coverage an essential component of comprehensive media monitoring strategies.


Television & Radio Stations

Delivering what you need from Broadcast Monitoring:

Real-Time Coverage

Just like the news, which provides coverage of developing events as they occur, our real-time delivery of your mentions allows you to stay updated on the latest happenings and respond promptly to emerging issues or opportunities.

A magnifying glass and pen on a page of paper that has charts and graphs tracking your broadcast monitoring mentions.
A screen capture of the broadcast monitoring slides, that display the channel, broadcast segment, story text and video clip.

Audio-Visual Content

Watch and listen to your clips in real time directly on the platform. Broadcast media delivers audio-visual content that engages multiple senses and often has a stronger impact on audiences than other media types. Visual cues, tone of voice, and non-verbal communication add depth and richness to the message, influencing audience perception more effectively.

National Coverage

Broadcast monitoring covers TV and radio stations from across the country, offering you a comprehensive view of your search terms. The platform gives you the ability to filter to your state mentions if you only want localized feedback on your keywords.

a thumbs up and a thumbs down representing if the broadcast monitoring clip leaned positive of negative.

Public Perception

Broadcast media coverage, particularly on television, can significantly shape public perception and opinions. Sentiment analysis is provided to indicate if coverage was positive, neutral, or negative. Media mentions on TV or radio can have a profound impact on brand reputation and public sentiment, making it crucial for companies to monitor and manage their broadcast media presence effectively.

Identify Stations

Knowing which broadcast stations are covering topics related your organization allows for better engagement with journalists and media outlets. It enables your organization to cultivate relationships with reporters, provide them with accurate information, and offer access to key spokespeople for interviews or comments. See the number of times your mentions occurred and the reach of those news outlets.

Screen capture of the broadcast monitoring platform that showcases the ability to filter to the stations providing the most coverage on your topics.

High Impact of Broadcast Media

Local Personalities

Local personalities have the earned authority and trust of their communities. Couple that authority with the additional impact of audio and visuals of broadcast, and the stories they deliver carry a very strong impact.

Hyper-Local News

Community television and radio stations have a strong local presence in their geographic areas. The news they report on tends to be more focused on their hometown, region, and surrounding communities.

Journalistic Integrity

Broadcast news productions adhere to higher editorial and journalistic standards than online or social media. Online and social media sources often lack the same level of editorial oversight and fact-checking. Anyone can publish content online without necessarily being held accountable for its accuracy or integrity.

Broadcast Monitoring Clip Information


Receive the viewership data for each media clip to understand the reach of your mentions.


Each TV or Radio Broadcast clip includes the accompanying text transcript.

Ad Value Equivalency

Get the estimated ad value equivalency of your earned media mentions.


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Follow local, rural, and regional community news by tracking newspapers across the country.

Social Media

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