SBJ.NETFEB. 27, 2017
Shore, Jeff 28
Shrine Mosque 48
Sifford, David 53
Silo Ridge Golf & Country Club 48
Simmons Bank 26
Simmons Wealth
Management 24
Simpson, Lucy 10
Simpson, Vicki 10
Singleton, Brent 30
Sivils, Jason 20
Skidmore, Celeste 11
Smart, Clif 59
Smith Jr, Kent 22
Smith, Angela 11
Smith, Dave 17
Smith, Dick 17
Smith, Jeffery 18
Smith, Lance 51
Smith, Scott 54
Smith, Zach 18
Snelling, Leo 48
Snider, John 20
Snyder, Greg 31
Snyder, Larry 17
Southern Bank 26
Southwest Baptist University 59
Southwest Missouri Realty 41
Spencer Fane LLP 54
SVN Rankin Co LLC 40
Springer, Max 12
Springfield Area Chamber of
Commerce 12
Springfield Blue Print &
Photo Copy Co. Inc 57
Springfield First Community
Bank 26
Springfield Golf & Country
Club 48
Springfield Metropolitan Bar
Association 14
Springfield Public Schools 59
Springfield’s Best Inc 15
Springlawn Park 42
Stack, Chris 51
Stahlman, Mark 48
Stephens, Ken 51
Stepp, Cliff 36
Stevens, Brent 18
Stone Meadow 42
Strategic Financial Concepts Inc. 30
Strong-Garner-Bauer PC 54
Studio V Design LLC 53
Stufflebeam, Jim 18
Sweet, Chris 24
Table Rock Lake Chamber of
Commerce 12
Tabor, Craig 31
Tappan, Ron 40
Taylor, C Pat Pat 59
Taylor, Carol 59
Taylor, Erick 34
Taylor, Strafford, Clithero, Fitzgerald & Harris LLP 54
TelComm Credit Union 31
The Arc of the Ozarks 58
The Cambridge 52
The Commerce Trust Co 24
The Estates at Summit Ridge 42
The Fremont 52
The Gardens Assisted Living 36
The Greek Corner Screen Printing & Embroidery 10
The Kraft Heinz Co 58
The Lakes at Wild Horse 42
The Medical Package LLC 11
The Montclair 52
The Network for Springfield’s
Young Professionals 14
The Resource Center Inc 51
The Team Inc 10
The Villages at Wicklow 42
The Waterford at Ironbridge 52
The Whitlock Co 28
Thomas, Karen 36
Thomas, Marita 44
Thompson, Paula 17
Thomas, Sheila 12
Thompson, Wally 57
Thouvenot, Sean 17
Tiedemann Bank Equipment Inc 23
Tiedemann, Joe 23
Tigges, Gregory J 57
Tillman, James 21
Titus, Jay 26
Todd, Shannon 41
Tope Insurance Agency Inc 51
Tope, Julie 51
Toth & Associates Inc 20
Toth, Lou 20
Trickey, Teri 48
TSI Technology Solutions LLC 52
Tucker & Co PC 28
Tucker, Joseph 28, 44, 56
Turner, Joseph W 26
Turner, Reid, Duncan, Loomer& Patton PC 54
Twin Oaks Country Club 48
UMB Private Wealth
Management 24
University Plaza Hotel & Convention Center 48, 49
US Bank 26
US Bank The Private Client Group 24
Vandyck, Jessica 53
Van Eps, Brenda 45
Van Matre, Michael 52
Vaughn, Matt 22
Vcino Design Build LLC 18
Vinton Commercial Realty 40
Vinton, Chris 40
Von Talge, Shawn 44
Waco Title 44
Wade, Bryan 54
Wade, Jim 23
Wade, Ryan 23
Wagner, Kevin 17
Walker, Shannon 12
Wallace, Justin 17
Wallace, Randell 54
Walters, Richard 54
Wanamaker, John E 28
Warlick, Steven 18
Wasson Jr, Roger 10
Webb, Bruce 31
Webb, Buddy 18
Wells Andrew 18
Welton, Jen 12
White, Paul 54
Wild Horse 42
Wiles, Lewis 20
Wilhoit Properties Inc 40
Willard Area Chamber of Commerce 12
Williams, Kevin 58
Wilmsmeyer, Tammy 10
Wilson & Mee CPAs 28
Wilson, Brandon 21
Wilson, Wayne 10
Winn, Sam 18
Wood, Bill 28
Woody, Bill 18
Worldwide Promotional
Products 10
Wright, Craig 30
Yates Promotions 10
Yates, David & Linda 10
Yeager, Alice 12
Young, Dean W 30
Zenith Climbing Center LLC 33
Zeppenfeldt, Lori 48
Zwingle, Sandi 44