Press Clipping / Newspaper ClippingDelivering your mentions in
news articles from
traditional newspapers.
Check out how!Red arrow pointing down.


Access hard-to-find stories from local and rural newspapers to gain a comprehensive understanding of your media coverage across the communities you serve. With nearly 30 years of experience, Newz Group delivers premium newspaper content that may be missing from online websites or hidden behind paywalls.

Many monitoring services will tell you that they provide print coverage from newspapers. What that really means is coverage from online news websites and/or larger metro publication databases that can miss up to 40% of news coverage from local and rural areas.

By The Numbers

Newspapers Monitored by Newz Group


Total Newspapers


Of all US newspapers


American daily newspapers

Free Print Double Check!

Is your current service really providing print coverage from newspapers?
(Free Double Check available in select states.)

Better Press Clipping / Newspaper Results

Our newspaper clipping review process is unparalleled, designed to deliver your print results with much higher accuracy than the competition. Whether your news was sourced directly from our Press Association partners or our third-party providers, our process involves an internal, secondary review to make sure your results are correct.

  • Step 1

    Article Identified

    Keywords are flagged by an automated process to identify matches in news articles.

  • Step 2

    First Human Review

    Flagged articles are reviewed by a person for accuracy.

    Step 2

  • Step 3

    Second Human Review

    A secondary human review process may be implemented to ensure a higher level of accuracy.

  • Step 4

    Article Delivery to Client

    Articles that make it through the rigorous review process are delivered to clients.

    Step 4

Press Clipping / News Clipping Advantages:

Accurate Results

Newz Group uses a combination of people and software to perform our print media search; this ensures that you only receive the results that matter to you. With industry-leading customer service, our team is here to help you craft successful keywords – and they have over a decade of experience doing so.

Pinpoint Real Local Print

Newz Group provides access to rural, local, and regional newspaper content that other monitoring companies don’t cover. We accomplish this through partnering with newspapers, press associations, and other regional monitoring organizations.

a magnifying glass over a map of the united states focusing in on a single area, representing our ability to pinpoint specific areas of the country for our newspaper clipping services.
Glasses, a cup of coffee and a local newspaper on a desk.

Supporting Local Journalism

Newz Group sources directly from local newspapers that are members of their statewide press association, and through third party providers that work directly with publishers. All content is processed digitally from the onset to minimize the carbon footprint and maximize the speed and turnaround time of the print monitoring service.

Press Clipping Service Key Features

  • Share News

    Email your coverage results in a customized template to quickly share important news with your team.

  • Create Reports

    Identify your most important coverage manually, or simply apply a date range to instantly create a news coverage report.

  • Insightful Analytics

    Understand your media impact with incisive analytics and compelling charts and graphs.

  • Organizational Tools

    Use Pinboards and Tags to automatically keep your media coverage well organized for easy retrieval, analysis, and insight.

  • Search Results

    Browse your results with keyword, filter, and full-text search options.

Learn More or Get Started:

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Online News

See real-time results for your Online news coverage!

Social Media

Be part of the conversation about your organization on social media in real time. 


Keep your ear to the ground with radio, television, and podcast monitoring.