Springfield Business Journal_2024-04-08

14 · SBJ.NET APRIL 8-14, 2024 MEN OF THE YEAR 2024 TAWNIE WILSON TAWNIE WILSON Laura Farmer is unequivocal. Many foster children are better off because Eric Gerke chose to help them. “Eric has been an integral part of our growth at CASA by constantly sharing our mission with others and motivating them to take action. Eric led our capital campaign committee that raised $3.7 million to purchase and renovate two buildings,” says Farmer, executive director of CASA of Southwest Missouri, which trains volunteers to advocate for kids in foster care. “Eric was involved in every step of the project from visioning to fundraising to implementation. It has been an incredible amount of work. “If not for Eric, these improvements to our child welfare system would not have been possible.” Serving CASA in multiple board roles, including as past president and chair of the fundraising effort that raised nearly $4 million in 13 months, is one of Gerke’s proudest civic accomplishments. His efforts with CASA over nearly a decade led to Gerke being named Board Member of the Year by the national CASA organization. “Being a small part of the growth CASA has seen in the last few years is very humbling,” he says. “I know many families have been positively influenced by the help CASA gives, which ensures children get out of the foster care system quicker and are less likely to return to foster care.” Gerke has spent his career in banking, most recently as senior vice president at Guaranty Bank, which he joined in 2019. He appreciates opportunities to use his experience to help others. “With our growth, I have been able to work with a variety of long term and new employees, many of whom are new to the bank or new to their role,” Gerke says. “I have enjoyed the increased leadership opportunities, and it has been exciting to see people grow and improve in their current roles and for some of them to receive promotions and additional responsibilities.” Gerke aims to be both banker and adviser with his clients. “The past few years have been a unique time for our economy and banking,” he says. “I strive to be a positive influence on my customer’s business and their employees.” Gerke believes helping others is part of leadership. “My parents instilled the importance of giving back to your community and those around you. As a leader, it is important to invest your time back into the community you live in,” he says. Gerke has served in several positions at Habitat for Humanity of Springfield where he sits on the finance committee, and he is a board member of the Springfield Westside Optimist Club, where he has served as president and vice president. Gerke is also a city council member in Republic and serves as its mayor pro tem. “Most problems can be solved by working hard and doing what is right. I try and keep this thought process in mind with every decision I make, whether it is in my personal or professional life, and I hope that is recognized by customers, colleagues, friends and family,” Gerke says. —Tresa McBee, Contributing Writer In His Words Family: Married to my wife, Carolyn, for 18 years. We have two boys: Austin, 13, and Bryce, 11. Both boys attend school in Republic and Carolyn is a teacher at the Republic Early Childhood Center. Everyone in my family is a big sports fan, especially when it comes to the Chiefs. Words to live by: “The greatest power God gave us is the power to choose. We have the opportunity to choose whether we are going to act or procrastinate, believe or doubt, pray or curse, help or heal.” —Lou Holtz Dream dinner party guest: I would really enjoy my kids getting to have a meal with my grandparents and get to know them. Strange but true fact: I have been skydiving and white water rafting on a class 5 rapid. A self-described natural problem solver, Duan Gavel is using his talents to help diverse businesses thrive. In 2022, Gavel and his wife, Michelle, launched All Things Diverse SGF, a directory-style app that’s free to users and participating businesses. “I am a person that does not shy away from problems,” Gavel says. “When I see a need, my goal is to assist in any way I can. I provide strategic ideas and appropriate solutions.” The creation of All Things Diverse SGF is Gavel’s proudest professional accomplishment, and he says it has connected many in the community to resources, businesses, organizations and professionals that the app’s users may have not known about. “It is my way of giving back to the community and letting people know that there is a community here for them and that they can find belonging,” Gavel says. “If people feel welcomed and that they belong, their experience and perception of Springfield will be positive.” Through All Things Diverse SGF, Gavel has helped businesses connect with resources that are needed for growth. An example is websites, of which All Things Diverse SGF has created more than 10 for businesses and nonprofits. In some cases, those services are donated. “I personally do not want capital to be a hurdle for an organization that provides a valuable service to the greater Springfield community,” Gavel says. “Many small businesses across Springfield require websites and mobile applications to stay competitive with larger companies. All Things Diverse SGF has made these tools more affordable to organizations so that they can reach their target audience and make running their businesses easier.” Multicultural Business Association Executive Director Darline Mabins says Gavel’s work with All Things Diverse SGF shows his commitment and care for the community. “This is something he does because he cares about the small-business community in Springfield,” Mabins says, adding his desire is “to make this a place his children will be proud to live and work in someday.” Gavel, who also works as an electric system designer for City Utilities of Springfield, has been involved civically with organizations such as the Multicultural Business Association and the Springfield chapter of the NAACP. Gavel is an active board member of the Multicultural Business Association, where he assists in the maintenance of the organization’s website and its social media posts, says Mabins. “He consistently engages with the members of the organization as a mentor or a resource for their small businesses,” Mabins says. “Duan displays a tireless level of engagement and dedication to helping others.” Gavel is pursuing a bachelor’s degree from Missouri State University in electrical engineering. He also has bachelor’s degrees in physics and information technology from MSU. With all of his professional endeavors, he says he brings the skill sets of “problem solving, analysis, software development, teamwork, customer service and project management.” —Geoff Pickle, Digital Editor In His Words Family: My wife, Michelle, and our three children, Elijah, Ariana and Micah. Family is what keeps me going each and every day. Words to live by: “Change will not come if we wait for some other people or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” —President Barack Obama. Strange but true fact: I am a Greater Springfield Bowling Future Hall of Famer. I’m the second person in Springfield history to bowl back-to-back 300 games in a three-game series. Advice to men: The hardest thing to do is work hard when nobody’s watching. But I promise the hard work and long hours will pay off someday. Eric Gerke Guaranty Bank Duan Gavel City Utilities of Springfield and All Things Diverse SGF LLC