Springfield Business Journal_2024-03-04

MARCH 4-10, 2024 18 · SBJ.NET FROM THE COVER Airport: January passenger numbers increase from year earlier Continued from page 1 417-501-1000 Independent Living 417-831-3828 417-831-2273 elfindaleretirement.com Now offering the full continuum of care. – it is a necessity,” she said of the 10 jet bridges the airport utilizes. “So, it’s great that we’re going to be able to get those replaced.” Weiler said the new jet bridges will probably be installed in mid-tolate-2025. Among projects in construction or planned to begin this year include over $1 million toward paid parking lot resurfacing, $8 million for reconstructing the air cargo apron and a $6.7 million remodel and expansion at the airport-owned general aviation terminal at 5000 W. Kearney St. The latter project, led by Nabholz Construction Corp. and designed by Dake Wells Architecture Inc., is occurring roughly 4 miles from the airport’s Roy Blunt Terminal, which is used by commercial passengers. The general aviation terminal serves privately owned aircraft and is the site where planes are fueled and serviced. The remodel and expansion project, which comes from airport reserve funds, includes updated restrooms, expansion of the administration area and pilot lounge, as well as the addition of a public community room, according to officials. While Weiler said the project has experienced some minor delays due to supply chain issues, the expansion portion of the work should wrap by mid-April. The remainder is pacing for a summer completion. “We’re planning for an August ribbon-cutting ceremony,” he said. Also at the general aviation terminal, Ozarks Technical Community College is building a $13.2 million aviation maintenance training center. OTC broke ground on the project in October and the two-story, 29,065-square-foot building will be next door to its pilot training facility, where the college since 2017 has run its aviation program in partnership with Premier Flight Center LLC. The new facility will serve OTC’s airframe and powerplant program debuting in 2025, according to past reporting. Setting records Last year’s passenger count of 1.29 million was the largest in the airport’s nearly 80year history. The total was 15.4% over 2022 and nearly 9% above the previous passenger record set in 2019, according to Kent Boyd, public information and marketing manager for the airport. “Last year, we were 8,000 passengers short of 1.3 million,” Weiler said, noting he was taken aback by the growth. “We virtually doubled in a little over 10 years. And I think there’s a possibility we could do the same thing in the next 10 years if we keep growing like we are.” He said the airport is a reflection of the community. “If the community does well, the airport does well. It’s not really anything we’re doing,” he said. “We try to create an environment for growth, but if that growth’s not occurring, it doesn’t make any difference. The airport still won’t advance forward.” The passenger record could be short-lived if January’s passenger numbers are an indicator, officials say. There were nearly 89,300 passengers for the month, a 9.2% increase over January 2023. While airport staff seek to add this year to its list of 13 nonstop destinations, Weiler said no new announcements are pending. No. 1 on the wish list is a destination in the Northeast, such as New York City or Philadelphia. “We’ve definitely got several asks, and we try to get in front of all of our airlines every year and then also try to meet with any new carriers that will accept a meeting,” he said. “We know that everybody wants more air service and better air service and things like that. It is something we’re constantly working on. But really for our size of community, we’re pretty good.” Plan approval Part of the Airport Board’s purpose is to act as a long-term visioning body, Oxendine said, adding that includes updating the airport’s master plan. Officials say the plan covers 20 years but is redrawn every decade. The last master plan was drafted in 2011 and approved in 2013, according to past reporting. “What we have to do is identify how we can best position the airport to be able to accommodate that growth. We need to be able to keep up with that growth and provide great service for our community, great service to our business partners and lease holders,” Oxendine said. “It has involved really taking a long view, which is hard to think about 20 or 30 Brian Weiler: The airport has asks out for new flight destinations. TAKING FLIGHT Counting an Ozarks Technical Community College project, nearly $53 million in investments are ongoing or in the design phase at the Springfield-Branson National Airport. • OTC aviation maintenance center: $13M • Terminal apron expansion: $10M • Reconstruct air cargo apron: $8M • General aviation terminal remodel and expansion: $6M • Replace five jet bridges at terminal: $6M • Terminal flooring replacement: $3.5M • Access control system upgrades: $1.5M • Wastewater system upgrades: $1.3M • Mill and overlay of all paid parking lots: $1.25M • Electric vehicle fast chargers in rental car lot: $1.1M • Fuel system upgrades: $1M • Terminal exit lane automation: $300K