Springfield Business Journal

MAY 1-7, 2023 26 · SBJ.NET FROM THE COVER consultants, or programs associated with ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,’ or ‘Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging.’” The nonpartisan Missouri Budget Project warned against this language, which it said would have wide-ranging consequences. It noted many national accreditation programs require diversity programming for child welfare organizations, health and mental health service providers, and others with state contracts. It added that accreditation programs for teachers, social workers, psychiatrists, nurses and other health professionals include DEI training requirements. “Not only would the added budget language jeopardize the accreditation of these programs at Missouri’s public colleges and universities, but the licensure of new professionals could be at risk,” the organization said in an April 6 policy statement. State initiatives would be impacted, the Missouri Budget Project concluded, including targeted economic development programs and continuing education for law enforcement on racial profiling and explicit bias. Medicaid funding also would be at risk. Gov. Mike Parson and the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry also expressed opposition to the anti-DEI language, with the chamber referring to the measure as a “job killer.” An anti-DEI amendment proposed in the Senate by Sen. Denny Hoskins, R-Warrensburg, would have banned funding for public schools with DEI and belonging initiatives, but it was defeated in a bipartisan vote, the Independent reported. Local control Matt Morrow, president and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, said his organization was vocal in its opposition to the anti-DEI language in its interactions with the Senate since the House bill passed. He said private businesses need to be able to make their own moves to train local employees and compete for government contracts, he said. The chamber favors local control, Morrow said, adding there is a need for policymakers to balance how state contracts are awarded to ensure a fair process based on merit and the best return on investment for Missouri. “All that’s really important, but we have to do that in a way that doesn’t have unintended consequences,” he said. “We want to have as many companies as possible competing for those contracts to get the best return for Missourians. It’s not a good idea to start disqualifying companies based on their unrelated, private business decisions.” He added that whole swaths of businesses would be disqualified from competing for contracts under the House amendment. Education impact Missouri State University President Clif Smart said he is hopeful the Senate version of the bill will carry the day. He noted MSU, which receives a third of its funding from the state, defines diversity broadly. “It’s not just about race and ethnicity,” he said, noting MSU includes age, disability, political perspectives and all kinds of religious beliefs, including nonbelief, in its definition. “When we talk about diversity, equity and inclusion, we’re essentially talking about how we want everyone to have an opportunity to come to the university as a student or employee and experience belonging, inclusion, a meaningful experience and a successful career,” he said. “We want to treat them fairly.” Diversity has become a charged term, according to Smart. “We never viewed it as an evil ideology that focuses on collective guilt or privilege or anything like that,” he said. “We want everyone at the table.” Smart said the budget bill would primarily change how the university talks about things; for instance, the Bear Bridge program is currently characterized as a diversity program, but in practice it is a faculty mentorship program that is open to all. Similarly, MSU offers an inclusive excellence scholarship, also open to people of all backgrounds, but the name would have to be changed. Some local educational institutions are altering their approaches to DEI. For instance, a realignment by Springfield Public Schools will change the name of its Office of Equity & Diversity to the Department of Student Access and Opportunity. That department will support an SPS strategic plan goal to “review programming to ensure equitable access to opportunity for all students.” District spokesperson Stephen Hall said the changes, announced in a news release on April 13, were not in response to the budget bill. “It was part of a department realignment for our new strategic plan that mirrors what [Superintendent] Dr. [Grenita] Lathan implemented in other districts so that the important work is most effectively and efficiently delivered,” he said. Ozarks Technical Community College Diversity: Changes made at Ozarks Technical Community College, Springfield Public Schools Continued from page 1 Clif Smart: Diversity efforts at MSU seek to bring all perspectives to the table. Matt Morrow: Companies should have control over their own training programs. It’s more important than ever for companies to stay ahead of the curve and evolve with the times. Space Deadline: May 19, 2023 Email advertising@sbj.net to request pricing and reserve your space. PEOPLE EVOLVE. BUSINESSES EVOLVE. THE WORLD HAS EVOLVED. TELL US YOUR STORY OF EVOLUTION. evo ution