MARCH 27-APRIL 2, 2023 20 · SBJ.NET ON THE RECORD 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Missouri 65807 Phone: 417-831-3238 · Fax: 417-864-4901 · SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL (ISSN 1075-2803) is published weekly, by SBJ Publishing Inc., 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807, phone 417-831-3238, fax 417-864-4901, email Copyright by SBJ Publishing Inc. 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without permission of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Springfield, Mo. and additional mailing offices. Annual subscription rate is $119.00 for 52 issues. Single copy price is $2.50 plus tax and back issues are $3.00 each, plus tax and firstclass postage. Advertising deadlines are 10 days prior to publication. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Springfield Business Journal, 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807. Allow one week for new subscriptions and address changes to take effect. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: The records printed in Springfield Business Journal are duplicates or are taken from those filed for public record and do not necessarily affect the business or financial standing of the parties mentioned. Any explanation of these items would be published upon request. Under no circumstances will any judgment, decree or other matter of public record be knowingly withheld for publication by this newspaper. Every precaution is taken in compiling and printing all records of the courts, however, Springfield Business Journal assumes no liability for errors or omissions. Opinions expressed by contributing writers and columnists are their own and not necessarily the views of this newspaper. SBJ.NET EDITORIAL Executive Editor Christine Temple · Vice President-External Relations Eric Olson · Digital Editor Geoff Pickle · Reporters Karen Craigo · Mike Cullinan · Researchers Karen Bliss · Michelle Higgins · ADVERTISING Director of Sales Valerie Pister · Marketing Strategists Danielle King · Account Manager Angel Frias · CREATIVE SERVICES Creative Department Manager Heather Mosley · Designers and Photographers Rebecca Green · Katelyn Egger · Byron King · Writer and Designer Kristi Merideth · ADMINISTRATION Manager of Finance and Customer Care Amy Egger · Administrative Assistant JT Kendall · Publisher Jennifer Jackson · Founder and Board Director Dianne Elizabeth Osis · DE 19801; same; 413-205-7533; service agent. WCC Excavation & Demolition; Williams Construction Arkansas Inc.; 2146 N. Packer Road 65803; same; 417-862-4171; contractor - special trades. ZK Construction; Shalom Heikkila; 2146 N. Packer Road 65803; same; 417-862-4171; contractor - special trades. Greene County Business Licenses Listed here are newly licensed businesses in Greene County filed for public record. Included in the listings are the name of the company, owner(s), mailing address, street address, phone number and description of the business. Addresses are in the city of Springfield unless otherwise noted. March 12-18, 2023 The IV Guy LLC; same; 2606 Country Drive, Mountain Grove 65711; 3001 N. Grant Ave.; 417-259-6045; mobile IV infusion. Wildfire Clothing LLC; same; 5415 S. Elmira Ave. 65810; same; 417414-1215; online sales, events. CB Creations 23; same; 538 N. Lone Pine Ave. 65804; same; 417207-6062; retail of homemade home decor. Joyride RV Rental LLC; same; 4236 S. Hillcrest Ave. 65810; same; 417-631-4570; RV rental. Confectionery Cutie; Katie Kullman; 3202 W. Village Terrace 65810; same; 636-544-3371; fine art and other crafts. Interstate Used Auto Sales LLC; same; 3164 N. Glenstone Ave. 65803; same; 417-379-4709; used car dealership. Greene County Building Permits Listed here are Greene County building permits filed for public record. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant, contractor, project description, address and approximate cost. SFR: single-family residence. Addresses are in the city of Springfield unless otherwise noted. March 12-18, 2023 11600. Wild Horse Development LLC; Deluxe Custom Homes; SFR; 2025 N. Riva Ridge Court 65802; 400,000. 11599. Deluxe Custom Homes; same; SFR; 2071 N. Riva Ridge Court 65809; 400,000. 11563. SPI Springfield LLC; Oller Holdings Co. LLC; SFR; 3052 W. Marty St. 65810; 364,500. 11597. Oller Holdings Co. LLC; same; SFR; 4888 S. Aaron Ave. 65810; 436,500. 11596. Oller Holdings Co. LLC; same; SFR; 4865 S. Burows Ave. 65810; 436,500. 11568. Oller Holdings Co. LLC; same; SFR; 4849 S. Burrows Ave. 65810; 448,997. 11578. Oller Holdings Co. LLC; same; SFR; 4976 S. Aaron Ave. 65810; 448,997. 10874. Stuart Jansen Otterness; Central Structures Inc.; accessory building; 5389 E. Farm Road 52, Fair Grove 65648; 55,000. 11542. Raphael Van Lang; Robb’s Portable Buildings; accessory building; 5197 N. Rock Ridge Lane, Willard 65781; 30,000. 11583. Robert Rice; same; accessory building; 7373 S. State Highway FF, Brookline 65619; 65,000. 10032. Kisling Family Living Trust; Swing Right Golf LLC; commercial building; 608 E. Farm Road 192 65810; 600,000. 11593. Russell Searle; Billy Mooneyham; accessory building; 15187 W. Farm Road 74, Ash Grove 65604; 25,000. 11582. Cale A. Ramsey; Real Property Service LLC; residential remodel; 4192 S. Farm Road 93, Republic 65738; 46,900. Springfield Building Permits Listed here are city of Springfield building permits filed for public record in the Building Development Services Department. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant, contractor, project description and address. SFR: single-family residence. March 12-18, 2023 BLDR2023-00159. Stanwich Mortgage Loan Trust F; Fahrlander Custom Homes Inc.; SFR; 3436 S. Kings Ave. BLDR2023-00158. Murray; H.C. Rogers Construction; SFR; 666 S. Mission Ave. BLDR2023-00157. Murray; H.C. Rogers Construction; SFR; 654 S. Mission Ave. BLDR2023-00155. Murray; H.C. Rogers Construction; SFR; 648 S. Mission Ave. BLDR2023-00153. Earl Tartenaar; same; residential remodel; 515 N. Westgate Ave. BLDR2023-00152. Angelo Boff; same; residential addition; 335 S. Oak Grove Ave. BLDR2023-00151. Michael Thomas; Breshears Renovations LLC; residential remodel; 3649 S. Broadway Ave. Continued on page 23 NETWORKING | LIVE INTERVIEW ASK YOUR QUESTIONS TUESDAY, APRIL 18 | 3:30-5 P.M. the backlot at alamo drafthouse Get more information and purchase tickets at MARK HENDREN PRESIDENT, FLORA FARMS LLC PRESENTED BY WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW MARK HENDREN He’s leading Flora Farms into the future of Missouri’s marijuana industry as the recreational sector of the market gets off the ground. CITY BUSINESS LICENSES, from page 18