MARCH 27-APRIL 2, 2023 18 · SBJ.NET ON THE RECORD Information you can use to build your business PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: The records printed in Springfield Business Journal are duplicates or are taken from those filed for public record and do not necessarily affect the business or financial standing of the parties mentioned. Any explanation of these items would be published upon request. Under no circumstances will any judgment, decree or other matter of public record be knowingly withheld for publication by this newspaper. Every precaution is taken in compiling and printing all records of the courts, however, Springfield Business Journal assumes no liability for errors or omissions. County Business Licenses, Building Permits | 20 Deeds of Trust | 23 Compiled by Michelle Higgins · Ozark Building Permits Listed here are city of Ozark building permits filed for public record in the Planning & Development Department. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant, project description and address. February 2023 23-0002. Draper Plumbing; commercial; 1594 Lloyd St. 23-0003. Burger King; commercial; 1699 W. Jackson St. 23-0004. Neat Repeat; commercial infill; 1936 W. Retail Lane. 23-0005. Huey Magoo’s Restaurant; commercial; 5402 N. 23rd St. 23-0001. Woodcrest, Phase I; duplex; 903-905 S. Brooks Ave., Lot 35. 23-0003. Silo Ridge, Phase II; SFR; 1403 E. Silo Ridge Drive, Lot 19. 23-0004. Silo Ridge, Phase II; SFR; 1405 E. Silo Ridge Drive, Lot 20. 23-0005. Woodcrest, Phase I; SFR; 1104 S. Swift Ave., Lot 48. 23-0006. Woodcrest, Phase I; SFR; 1106 S. Swift Ave., Lot 47. 23-0007. Woodcrest, Phase I; SFR; 1108 S. Swift Ave., Lot 46. Nixa Building Permits Listed here are city of Nixa building permits filed for public record in the Planning & Development Department. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant, project description, address and square footage. February 2023 230154. Gem Gravure Co.; commercial remodel; 1064 W. Kathryn St.; 12,000. 230185. Bussell Building; SFR; 736 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 2,307. 230186. Bussell Building; SFR; 738 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 2,276. 230187. Bussell Building; SFR; 800 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 1,989. 230188. Bussell Building; SFR; 802 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 2,268. 230189. Bussell Building; SFR; 804 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 1,930. 230190. Bussell Building; SFR; 806 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 1,909. 230191. Bussell Building; SFR; 808 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 2,705. 230192. Bussell Building; SFR; 810 S. Wheaton Hills Drive; 2,705 230222. MDZ Properties; SFR; 794 E. Crystal Ave.; 2,544. Bankruptcies The following petitions were filed and relief was granted in the United States Bankruptcy Court in Kansas City for the Western District of Missouri, as a matter of public record. The bankruptcies were received at the federal clerk’s office in Springfield. The bankruptcies appear in order of case, chapter, petitioner and address. Addresses are in the city of Springfield unless otherwise noted. March 12-18, 2023 B23-60118/Chap. 13. Jalin Paul Looney; 1532 Danielle Drive, Lebanon 65536. B23-60119/Chap. 7. Andrew and Mahaley Melton; 2118 E. Sycamore St., Republic 65738. B23-60120/Chap. 13. Joceanna Day; 1005 E. Minnehaha, Nixa 65714. B23-60121/Chap. 7. Ronald Thomas Birmingham; 2170 McNealy Lane, Mansfield 65704. Continued on page 20 to inform your charitable giving The 2023 Giving Guide will be published on August 28th. If your agency needs board approval to participate, contact to request details you can present to your board. The deadline to reserve your 2-page spread for 2023 is June 30. NEW for 2023! Introducing Giving Guide Strategic Partner sponsorships! Become a Strategic Partner in the Giving Guide and tell SBJ readers about your commitment to supporting the nonprofit community and gain valuable exposure to a socially conscious audience. The Giving Guide is the ultimate resource for businesses that support the nonprofit community. Contact to request details. B23-60122/Chap. 7. John Joseph Hall; 2559 N. Clifton Ave. 65803. B23-60123/Chap. 7. Sasha A. Gonzalez; 1 Pick Place, Fort Leonard Wood 65473. B23-60124/Chap. 7. SkyAnne Avery Tucker; 2725 E. Portland 65804. B23-60125/Chap. 7. Sean Christopher Runion; 611 Worcester St., West Plains 65775. B23-60126/Chap. 13. Twyon Lenial White Jr.; 5054 S. Walnut Hill Road 65810. B23-60127/Chap. 7. Vonda LaRae Tate; 4734 S. Robberson Ave., No. 308 65810. B23-60128/Chap. 7. Connie June Cox; 1940 Historic Route 66 West, Apt. 1078, Waynesville 65583. B23-60129/Chap. 7. Benjamin Ray Bland Ledgerwood; 2049 S. County Road 19B, Winona 65588. B23-60130/Chap. 7. Robert Lester Reed; 17 Jessie Lane, Richland 65556. B23-60131/Chap. 7. Micah Alan Axley; 228 Agate Lane, Chestnutridge 65630. B23-30070/Chap. 7. James and Katelyn Smith; 810 Comet Lane, Crane 65633. B23-60132/Chap. 7. Janetta Marie Richardson; 800 E. Guinevere St. 65807. B23-60133/Chap. 13. David and Mary Sandberg; P.O. Box 4266, Waynesville 65583. B23-60134/Chap. 7. Kaitlin Rianna Harp; 2870 E. Bergman St. 65802. B23-60135/Chap. 7. Debra Sue Haynes; 2002 E. Grand St. 65804. B23-60136/Chap. 7. Tammy Lee Flippen; 720 E. Montclair, Apt. 204 65807. B23-60137/Chap. 13. Joshua Wayne Wisely and Alicia M. Paul; 3658 S. Cottage Ave. 65807. Newly Licensed City Businesses Listed here are newly licensed businesses in the city of Springfield filed for public record. Included in the listings are the name of the company, owner(s), mailing address, street address, phone number and description of the business. March 12-18, 2023 27North Inc.; same; 1835 N. Glenstone Ave. 65803; same; 417-6574557; auto dealer - new and used. Assure; same; 221 E. Sunshine St., Ste. F 65807; same; 417-9888770; service agent. BDH Construction LLC; same; P.O. Box 87, Mount Vernon 65712; 588 N. Spring Park Blvd., Mount Vernon; 417-466-4500; contractor - special trades. The Bedazzled Hair Studio; Mary Millen; 3852 S. Jefferson Ave. 65807; same; 417-299-4904; beauty operators. Bill’s Electric Inc.; same; P.O. Box 707, Webb City 64870; 1716 S. Falcon St., Webb City; 417-624-6660; service agency - alarms. Binh Tay Market Inn LLC; same; 1418 W. Sunshine St. 65807; same; 417-866-4953; retail merchant. Breshears Renovations LLC; same; P.O. Box 121, Fair Grove 65648; 15 Redbud Cabin Lane, Fair Grove; 417-425-8937; contractor - special trades. BSharp Entertainment; Chase Sturm; 936 E. Walnut St., Apt. 3 65806; 936 E. Walnut St.; 417-370-1218; service agent. Casa Bella; El Fenix LLC 2; 1840 S. Ingram Mill Road 65804; 300 E. Battlefield Road; 417-885-9097; restaurant. Cocosolar; Competitive Community Scale Solar LLC; 405 N. Jefferson Ave. 65806; same; 417-234-6724; service agent. Coop Marketing LLC; same; 3696 W. Edgewood St. 65807; same; 417-655-0840; service agent. Curry Real Estate LLC; Brett Curry; 7675 W. Farm Road 194, Republic 65738; 1433 S. Pickwick Ave.; 417-827-5106; service agent. Dennis Lawn Care; Steven Dennis; 309 E. Murray St., Ash Grove 65604; same; 417-429-6079; florist/nursery/greenhouse. Etc. Lawn & Hauling LLC; same; 832 W. Jean St. 65803; same; 417416-4770; florist/nursery/greenhouse. Frankly Fashions; Misty Frank; 1839 E. Independence St., No. 14495 65809; same; 661-748-2779; retail merchant. Gullett Construction Group LLC; same; P.O. Box 822, Nixa 65714; 4297 S. Hillcrest Ave.; 417-825-4919; contractor - special trades. JTE Lawn Service LLC; same; 2860 E. Crestview St. 65804; same; 417-861-5746; florist/nursery/greenhouse. Linden House Textiles; Catherine Livesay; 2040 S. Linden Ave. 65804; same; 660-605-1802; distributor. Lucy & Moses LLC; same; 1707 W. Winchester St. 65807; same; 402-203-4070; contractor - special trades. MESOP Properties LLC; same; 1549 S. Farm Road 205 65809; 2226 W. Lynn St.; 417-619-7155; apartments. Pattie Shack; Nicholas Bessolo; 12427 W. Farm Road 28, Walnut Grove 65770; same; 209-640-8966; caterer. RJ2 Investments LLC; same; 129 W. Sherman Way, Nixa 65714; 406B W. Walnut St.; 970-274-2023; service agent. Rooster Outdoor; Rooster Fencing LLC; 10090 State Hwy 38, Marshfield 65706; same; 417-880-2322; contractor - special trades. Seen Therapy Services LLC; same; 2148 W. Chesterfield Blvd. 65807; same; 417-708-7909; service agent. SPFD Kwik Dry; Kwik Dry Total Cleaning LLC; 13532 Lawrence 1127, Mount Vernon 65712; same; 417-248-3112; cleaning/maintenance services. Sticky Dyes Disc Golf; Andres Flores; 2247 E. Livingston St. 65803; same; 262-903-0531; service agent. TellUs Communications US Inc.; same; 1209 Orange St., Wilmington,