Springfield Business Journal_2021-01-25

SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 19 JAN 25-31, 2021 FROM THE COVER Grading Excavation Land Clearing Home Sites Septic Tanks Utilities Licensed and Insured 417-683-0446 www.Ace-Grading.com Ace Grading, Land Clearing and Utility Installations, LLC The COVID-19 outbreak is an evolving crisis, and we want to keep nonprofits up to speed on the latest tax and accounting updates to help you navigate the economic effects. Visit our COVID-19 Resource Center at bkd.com/covid-19 for relevant news, changing guidelines, and new regulations. Everyone needs a trusted advisor. Who’s yours? Trusted advice in uncertain times. bkd.com • 800.472.2745 • @BKDLLP 417.865.8701 • @BKDNFP Health: Towns to serve as acting director Continued from page 1 Katie Towns: Health Department is giving vaccines to front-line health care workers. $860K Cost of commissioned study for state’s public health response to COVID-19 pandemic determine if they are working as efficient- ly and equitably as they should. We think that Missouri probably has some room to improve,” he said. “There are probably a number of ways to do that across the state, if we’re just willing to take a good, crit- ical look at ourselves.” The Missouri Foundation for Health has commissioned a study with researchers at The George Washington Univer- sity Milken Institute School of Public Health to examine the state’s public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Goddard said. Case studies will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the public health system. The project is funded by an $860,000 contract with the nonprofit, according to the university’s website. “COVID has laid bare some of the faults in the current system. We need to find those and improve what we look like going forward,” Goddard said. “I suspect we’ll be using that as the blueprint and then really getting in and working with stakeholders to see how we can achieve some of those goals.” Goddard said some components of his position will crystallize once he starts in March. Upon reflection While he said staff accomplishments have been numerous during his 22-year career at the Health Department, Goddard points to several in the past couple of years that stand out. They include the 2019 passage of Springfield’s Tobac- co 21 Act, which in- creased the purchase age for tobacco prod- ucts to 21 from 18, as well as the Health Department receiving accreditation two years ago through the Public Health Accreditation Board. The Springfield-Greene County Health De- partment is one of eight accredited public health agencies in the state, according to the PHAB website. “I don’t think I can ade- quately express how talented and passionate this group of people is,” he said, noting staff were working on Martin Lu- ther King Jr. Day – a federal holiday – in order to continue pandemic-related duties. “It’s a special group of peo- ple who have poured their heart and soul into this pan- demic response. I couldn’t be prouder to be associated with them.” City Manager Jason Gage said in a news release announcing Goddard’s retirement that the local community is in a “great place moving forward” because of the Health Department leader’s contributions. “I have 100% confidence in our ability to provide continuity of services throughout the rest of the pandemic because Clay has empowered a very talented team of dedi- cated public servants at the Health Depart- ment,” Gage said. Assistant Director Katie Towns will serve as acting di- rector upon Goddard’s depar- ture. A search process is being launched to find a permanent successor to lead the over 100-employee department with no timetable announced to fill the spot, according to city of- ficials. Vaccination rollout Towns said for Goddard’s last few weeks at the Health Department, a lot of attention is being de- voted to the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. Its first shipments from the state arrived Jan. 11. She said 975 doses are received at a time, adding the Health Department is currently working with Jordan Valley Community Health Center to administer the vaccine. Those eligible at the Health Department and Jordan Valley vaccination clinics in- clude front-line health care workers not affiliated with CoxHealth or Mercy, first responders, and emergency services and public health administrators and staff, she said. Doses for high-risk individuals are not yet available at the Health Department. “That’s one of the strengths of our com- munity is that we are able to manage these sorts of herculean projects together,” Towns said. “We’re just using our partner- ships in order to make sure we have good strategies in place to reach folks and get vaccines distributed as soon as we get it in our community. The biggest issue currently is the sup- ply is trickling in.” Towns credits Goddard for part of her professional development in the 10 years they’ve worked together. “He’s been a tremendous mentor to me, both professionally and personally,” she said. “I am looking forward to continuing to work with Clay because we do have a passion for this field, and we share that. Clay will be look- ing for ways he can continue to integrate the system of pub- lic health in our state. We in Springfield and Greene County have always been advocates for that.” The new director will be the 21st in Health Department his- tory. Goddard succeeded Kevin Gipson, whose tenure was 13 years, while Harold Bengsch before him served for two de- cades. Goddard, who plans to establish dual residency in Springfield and St. Louis, said he’s excited to make an impact and im- prove public health on a statewide level. “I like to improve things, and that’s go- ing to be one of my big goals is working with others so that we can get better to- gether,” he said. Jason Gage expects continuity of public health services throughout transition.