Springfield Business Journal_2021-01-25

14 · SBJ.NET JAN 18-24, 2021 NONPROFITS How partnering with a nonprofit can enhance culture In business, as in life, winning is impor- tant. But winning does not necessarily have to come at another’s expense. In fact, cor- porate and individual giving in America is witnessing a revolution of sorts. Philan- thropic efforts by organizations are galva- nizing communities. When you volunteer your time or do- nate your money to reputable organiza- tions, you’re making a real difference in the world. You might be helping to clean up your neighborhood or putting food in the bellies of hungry locals, all of which lead to creating a better place for you and your loved ones to live. A Fidelity Charitable Survey from March 2020 showed that almost 80% of donors planned to continue or increase the size of their gifts even in the midst of the CO- VID-19 crisis. This is providing comfort for so many strug- gling to battle the impact of the global pandemic. On top of that, employees at orga- nizations all across the country are more engaged, motivated and have a stronger sense of loyalty based in large part to their organization’s chari- table giving approach. On an individual level, these same em- ployees are seeing dramatic and very pos- itive personal health benefits. According to one study cited by the Cleveland Clin- ic, people who were 55 and older who volunteered for two or more organiza- tions were 44% less likely to die over a five-year period than those who didn’t volunteer, even accounting for many oth- er factors including age, exercise, general health and negative habits like smoking. This is surely a win- win scenario and not just a bumper sticker. It’s a scenar- io that could play a role in changing the course of business and personal health in this country. Corporate philanthropy is nothing new, but the way it is being handled by the most successful organizations has changed. The biggest of these changes is that employers are allowing their em- ployees to determine which charitable organization should be supported. This creates a strong bond and demonstrates that the employees really do have a voice within the organization. Another major shift is that organiza- tions are aligning themselves with non- profit organizations that display similar values and a clear purpose that resonates with their employees. This commonal- ity creates a desire within the employee group to truly engage with the chosen en- tity, almost guaranteeing a positive long- term relationship. These two changes have had a dramatic impact on both employee engagement and morale. These are areas in which all organi- zations are looking to improve as they seek the holy grail of a perfect culture. A recent study by Charity Employee Do- nor Research found that 71% of surveyed employees report it is imperative or very important to work where culture is sup- portive of giving and volunteering. In ad- dition, nearly half of nonprofit respondents identified workplace giving as a growth strategy for their organization. They see workplace giving and employee engage- ment programs as opportunities to promote their mission, programs and services, as well as identify and recruit new volunteers. Individuals also take many health ben- efits from philanthropic ventures. The old adage “it is better to give than receive” proves to be incredibly accurate. The Cleve- land Clinic suggests there are numerous benefits to giving, including reduced blood pressure and stress, lower levels of depres- sion and greater levels of perceived happi- ness. In a 2013 study from Carnegie Mellon University, adults over 50 who volunteered at least 200 hours in the past year, or four hours per week, were 40% less likely to de- velop high blood pressure than those who didn’t volunteer. Making the case for philanthropy through nonprofits is not tough. In fact, when traced back to its origins, philan- thropy means kindliness, humanity, be- nevolence and love to mankind. Whether a corporate giant, a business mogul or an av- erage Joe, it should be clear to all that there is a place for charitable giving. Anthropologist Margaret Mead once said, “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” This saying has never resonated so true. As we combat the multitude of is- sues throughout the world, I challenge you to become your organization’s champion and advocate for philanthropy through your chosen nonprofit. The benefits of these types of initiatives are so substantial that your community, organization and employ- ees will be forever changed for the better. Cameron Black is an adviser and director of corporate wellness consulting at Ollis/Akers/ Arney. He can be reached at  cameron.black@ollisaa.com. INDUSTRY INSIGHT Cameron Black Employees are more engaged, motivated and loyal largely due to their organization’s giving approach. WHERE DESIGN & PURPOSE MEET SERVING SPRINGFIELD SINCE 1977 CLEANING FOR HEALTH WE FOCUS ON YOUR BUILDING. YOU FOCUS ON YOUR BUSINESS. 2020 Traditional Services Janitorial Services Carpet Cleaning Hard Floor Cleaning Looking for peace of mind? Let us design a cleaning or infection control program that fits your needs. sq.ft. cleaned daily MILLION sq. ft. disinfected since March '20 MILLION Emergency COVID Response Cleans Infection Control Services Electrostatic Disinfecting Confirmed Case COVID Cleans Cleaning for Health Programs