Springfield Business Journal_2020-11-16

When we are busy and thing are in our way it can seem like can do this and I got my interna team, but when you are u against this virus and all thes changes sometimes you need thought partner to help you thin through things. With business structures changing due to the pan- demic, company leaders are turning to consultants for direction. Marlene Chism, owner of Marlene Chism Consulting, says business leaders are realizing the im- portance of coaching during this uncertain time. “When we are busy and things are in our way it can seem like, ‘I can do this’ and I got my internal team,” Chism says. “But when you are up against this virus and all these changes, sometimes you need a thought partner to help.” Chism says the concept of how businesses operate is shifting with people working from home resulting in less supervision from upper management. The struc- tures of businesses are also changing with furloughs and employees going part-time, she says. As a result, manag- ers are looking for ways to effectively communicate. “We are getting to be more – the understanding of strategy and more outcome-based versus you are just working for an hour-to-hourly wage,” Chism says. Gerald Schmitz, human resources manager for Positronic Industries Inc., took Chism’s three- part course through the Ozarks Technical Community College Workforce De- velopment Center. After that, he hired her to work with the global company’s supervi- sors last month. During the pandemic, sales have been down in two key sectors Posi- tronic supplies electronic connec- tors: the aerospace and airline industries. Schmitz says employees are still working from home, which has strained com- munications across depart- ments and projects. “Because there is so much stress and conflict now pressed upon us from out- side sources, her training has helped us to focus on reducing those stresses and making sure we are communicating and getting our mes- sages across,” Schmitz said. Work Culture When we are busy and things are in our way, it can seem like, ‘I can do this’ and I got my internal team. But when you are up against this virus and all these changes, sometimes you need a thought partner.” Marlene Chism , Marlene Chism Consulting Source: SBJ 2020 Economic Growth Survey Businesses plan to rent less physical office space post-pandemic Businesses plan for more videoconferencing SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 5 NOV. 16-22, 2020 SILVER LININGS