Springfield Business Journal_2020-11-02

commercebank.com/business When it’s not business as usual, we still take care of business. WF686888 FY20 Commercial Print - SBJ Ads 9.85x6.indd 1 10/16/2020 12:52:15 PM SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 21 NOV. 2-8, 2020 SALUTE TO CONSTRUCTION Design, construction a team sport Why do we “salute” design and con- struction? We salute design and construction to recognize the hard work the industry does to build our community. We salute one of the industries working behind the scenes to convert workspaces this year to allow for hybrid functions. We salute the industry keeping our roads and bridges updated. We salute the industry that provides a ripple effect to create jobs and inject money into our local economy. Economic development depends on construction to construct new buildings, renovate existing structures and build on additional space for commercial and resi- dential use. While some industries were forced to slow down this year, construction main- tained a busy-to-steady pace with com- mercial and residential projects. Some design staff and supportive staff could work remotely from home, but a large por- tion of the industry continued to report to job sites day after day. Adjustments were quickly made to ensure the safety of work- ers, but a level of trust was imposed be- tween crews to work together and keep the job site progressing. Tradesmen un- derstand the impact one person has on a job site. If any industry were a representation of a team sport, it would be construc- tion. Each project requires designers, engineers, construction managers, con- tractors, suppliers, banks, insurance and many other businesses. From the inception of an idea until the occupancy of the building, all the moving pieces must work together for the project to stay on track. Contractors recognize the need for quality plans created by ar- chitects and engineers. Design teams rely on contractors to bring their visions to life. Design teams include architects, struc- tural and civil engineers, mechanical, plumbing and electrical engineers, geo- technical engineers, interior designers and landscapers. The construction team typically in- cludes a general contractor or construc- tion manager, as well as subcontractors representing every trade including but not limited to electrical, HVAC, drywall, painting, flooring, plumbing, welding, framing and roofing. Subcontractors then hire suppliers for materials and equipment. Contractors also need insurance compa- nies to bond and insure projects. Banks, attorneys, insurance and other general service businesses are needed by each company. Developers are another piece of the construction puzzle. Without private in- dividuals investing their time and money, government entities allocating budgets, and citizens voting in favor of bonds and taxes, the industry would cease to exist. The ripple effect of a construction project extends beyond the developer and the contractor build- ing it. One new manu- facturing facil- ity will employ numerous new employees who will invest back in the community by pur- chasing homes, renting apartments, buy- ing groceries and supporting other local businesses. The products manufactured will be sold locally, nationally and international- ly, resulting in jobs for the transportation and supply chain industries. One bridge can be a statistic in a report for underfunded Missouri transportation, or it can be the direct path for a neigh- borhood to get to work and the grocery store. The construction industry provides inspections to ensure vehicles can pass safely and repair any issues to prevent clo- sures, if possible. One new retail space could potentially provide space for restaurants, shopping, breweries and more. Each business hires from the local workforce and injects sales tax revenue back into the community. The sales tax is then used to fund the police, fire de- partment, infrastructure and other basic needs of the city. Retail space can be used to build a sense of community, pro- vide a gathering space and fulfill an entrepreneur’s dream. In a year of un- certainties, the construction indus- try has continued to work as people planned home im- provement projects, restaurants and retail spaces renovated to comply with new reg- ulations, and commercial offices upgraded for hybrid work schedules. This year especially, we salute the de- sign and construction industry for the tireless work to continue to build the Ozarks. Megan Short is executive director of the Springfield Contractors Association. She can be reached at megan@springfieldcontractors.org. INDUSTRY INSIGHT Megan Short The industry provides a ripple effect to create jobs and inject money into our local economy.