Springfield Business Journal_2020-11-02

NEWS $2.00 · SBJ.NET NOV. 2-8, 2020 · VOL. 41, NO. 15 DESIGN AWARD FINALISTS PAGE 9 The Race for Governor by Christine Morton · cmorton@sbj.net Down the home stretch in the Missouri governor’s race, contender Nicole Galloway holds a narrow lead – financially speaking – over incumbent Mike Parson. The state auditor’s Galloway for Missouri campaign has reported $6.88 million in receipts versus Gov. Par- son’s $5.68 million, according to Missouri Ethics Com- mission filings through the third quarter. In the most recent filing period, Oct. 1-22, Galloway’s tally was $835,015 while Parson’s came in at $597,452. But dollars don’t always equate to votes. The issues matter. Springfield Business Journal asked each candi- date to respond to three issues: COVID-19, workforce and educational development, and infrastructure. It’s the first governor’s election cycle for Parson, who was sworn into the office by the Missouri Supreme Court in mid-2018 following Eric Greitens’ resignation. Handling COVID-19 Since the pandemic hit the Springfield area in the spring, there has been a call to action from local and state leaders when it comes to fighting the virus. Parson said the plan he put into place early on is the one he would continue to follow. Dubbed the Show Me Strong Recovery Plan, it includes widely available test- ing, accessible supply of personal protective equipment through the Google PPE Marketplace, and facilitating economic relief grants. He cited the plan’s track record: “We took the fatality rate from almost 8% down to 1.4%; makes a real differ- ence in people’s lives,” he said. “We went from testing 2,000 a week in this state to 125,000.” Throughout the pandemic, Parson said he has been transparent on his stance regarding a masking rule. And Galloway, Parson respond to business issues and the pandemic See GOVERNOR on page 40 Republic lands Amazon, public records confirm by Geoff Pickle · gpickle@sbj.net The large-scale distribution center and warehouse underway in north Republic is being constructed for Amazon.com Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN), public records con- firmed. The city on Oct. 28 released a July nondisclosure agreement with Amazon, in response to a Sunshine Law public records request from Springfield Business Jour- nal. The development, teased late last month by the city without a tenant identified, had been rumored as an Amazon facility, but SBJ previously was unable to con- firm the e-commerce corporation is putting down roots in the Ozarks. City spokesperson Mike Landis has con- tinually cited the NDA for declining to name the tenant. The NDA states, in part, that the city “acknowledges that a breach of its obligations under this agreement could cause irreparable harm to Amazon” and that the e-commerce company “will have the right ... to seek in- junctive relief for any violation of this agreement.” HEATHER MOSLEY Construction is underway southwest of Springfield for a distribution center and warehouse See AMAZON on page 30