Springfield Business Journal_2020-09-28
Offering print, promo, and fulfillment services so you can focus on the important stuff. GrowWithEDC.com 58 · SBJ.NET SEPT. 28-OCT. 4, 2020 WEEK ON THE STREET provided by OBELISK HOME provided by MATT SUESS provided by STARBOARD & PORT Send photos to sbj@sbj.net EPIC OZARKS MATCH Payne’s Valley is officially open at Big Cedar Lodge following a matchup on Sept. 22. Tiger Woods, below second from left, partnered with fellow American Justin Thomas, second from right, to compete against European golfers Rory McIlroy, left, and Justin Rose, right, in what was dubbed the Payne’s Valley Cup. Woods and Thomas were victorious in the match. Woods visited the Ridgedale resort in early 2017 to announce the course at Johnny Morris’ Big Cedar. “Tiger Woods and I have been fishing and golfing friends for 20 years and we have long dreamed of designing and building a truly special experience for golf and conservation right here in the Ozarks,” said Morris, above far left, in a news release. The course is named for Springfield native Payne Stewart, a professional golfer who died in 1999. RIP RBG Obelisk Home Gallery Manager Christie Snelson, above, on Sept. 20 creates a memorial chalk drawing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died Sept. 18. She said the 6.25-by-9.75-foot drawing, located in the downtown home decor store’s west parking lot, took her seven hours to complete. Snelson has created memorial drawings of influential people in the past. Speaking on RBG’s influence, Snelson said, “She had an immeasurable impact on my life because of rights she sought for women.”
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