Springfield Business Journal_2020-09-28
This year our world changed in so many ways. Through this turbulent time Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks remains a constant source of reliable help for families in need. With the impact of COVID-19 on many aspects of our economy, that need is greater than ever. Many not-for-profits are struggling to fundraise under these challenging circumstances and BCFO is no different. In the past our biggest fundraiser of the year, Hooked on Dance has raised an amount equal to half our annual operating budget. This year the Hooked on Dance committee created a new virtual element to engage our sponsors with an entertaining evening of fundraising, while maintaining social distance guidelines. Our theme of “Roaring 20s” has a double meaning this year: A tip of the hat to our first 20 years and an optimistic outlook for the future - just as our country experienced economic growth and widespread prosperity in the 1920s. Since 2000 Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks has helped thousands of families through our client assistance program, injecting nearly $6.4 million back into the local economy. Thanks to the Youngblood Auto Group Screening Mammogram Program many breast cancer cases were diagnosed early, greatly increasing chances for survival. In the challenging year of 2020, Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks is fortunate to have a solid financial foundation. We stand on the shoulders of a visionary founder, tireless board members and selfless staff and volunteers who have grown our endowment close to $20 million. Through their efforts, BCFO will survive future uncertainties to serve families in need for generations to come. As other not-for-profits have been forced to cut back in southwest Missouri, Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks is rising to the challenge of 2020. This year BCFO is embarking on new collaborations with our health care partners, county health departments and community leaders to actively engage the people and businesses that need our help. Through a series of outreach meetings we have already identified underserved populations in southwest Missouri. BCFO has sought out additional donors and health care providers in northern Arkansas, northeast Oklahoma and southeast Kansas as people in these neighboring regions ask for our help. Our outreach efforts have also led us to a potential, future partnership opportunity in St. Louis. BCFO is cultivating current relationships to make a greater impact in places like Florida through our sister organization Breast Cancer Foundation of Central Florida. Last year BCFCF partner Watson Clinic Foundation of Lakeland, FL. announced a three year grant commitment of $300,000. This year we have begun the process of giving BCFCF its own identity and establishing local partnerships in order for it to flourish just like BCFO. A year ago when I first met with the board of directors, I pledged to deepen collaborations within the Ozarks and expand our marketing in order to broaden our impact. Since then, BCFO has seen increased newspaper, radio and television exposure in SW Missouri and NW Arkansas, including a partnership with KY3 called “BuddyCheck 3”, a program aimed at promoting breast health and annual mammograms. BCFO started a free shopping day for survivors, utilizing a large in-kind donation from Mercy Springfield to supply bras and expensive prosthetics to women who need them. Our fashion show “A Time To Share” that features breast cancer survivors went virtual this year. By videotaping models in the safety of the boutiques we avoided exposing them to unnecessary health risks and raised more money than last year. Coming up on October 10th a relatively new fundraiser that features more than 200 jeeps winding through the Ozarks countryside will become the third largest fundraiser for BCFO. We are very proud of our organization’s ability to pay for all BCFO administrative costs through the revenue generated by operating 5 Driver’s License offices in southwest Missouri. This year those proceeds also fund some of our programs. Additionally we’ve been able to offer those DMV employees health insurance and benefits for the first time ever. As BCFO moves into it’s third decade we are positioned to build on the vision of MaryBeth O’Reilly and continue her mission of helping families at their time of greatest need. Our board, staff and volunteers are fueled by the positive impact we make on people’s lives. We wish you could hear the gratitude in their voices and see their joyful tears so you could know exactly how “YOU” too are making the Ozarks a better place. We’re so grateful for your financial support of BCFO! Our work would not happen without you! — Joe Daues, Chief Executive Officer ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 | 5:30pm | A Virtual Event HOOKED ON DANCE Proceeds Benefit PRESENTED BY
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