Springfield Business Journal_2020-09-28
22 Transitions Springfield Business Journal PAID ADVERTISING “M aking funeral plans in advance is one of the best gifts for your loved ones,” says Dr. Ruth Ann Wood- Humiston, second generation owner, funeral director and preneed counselor at Walnut Lawn Funeral Home. Wood-Humiston says planning ahead helps to ensure that your final wishes are fulfilled and allows for funds to be set aside in advance, minimizing the financial burden for the family when the time comes. Preplanning also relieves family members of the burden of the task, giving them more time and energy to focus on their healing and remembrance. The following are four things you need to know about advance funeral planning. The Process Is Personalized Preplanning can be done either in person or remotely through technology. Clients can schedule a time to meet with a Walnut Lawn staff member to discuss all options and make their plan. “This is a great way to get started to design a special, unique service that reflects and celebrates the amazing life that was lived,” says Wood-Humiston. “Preplanning lets you create your own unique life celebration,” she adds. “Including your family in the planning process can help them feel con- nected to you both in life and in death, knowing that your arrangements reflect your desires.” You Can Change, Transfer Your Plan Wood-Humiston says it’s easy to get started and anyone, at any stage in life, can create a plan. Walnut Lawn Funeral Home provides both pre-need trust and burial insurance plans to safely hold your money, by law, to be used when you need it. Plans may be updated and modi- fied as needed. Preplanned arrangements may also be transferrable to other funeral homes if you should move. Amendments may need to be made by the receiving funeral home. Variety of Services Available Walnut Lawn Funeral Home is a full service funeral home and specializes in traditional burial, crema- tion, and military services, as well as has a recep- tion area with catering for family fellowship with a meal or reception. “We provide unique and per- sonalized celebrations according to the client’s wishes, “shared Wood-Humiston. The funeral home has plans with multiple payment options. Think Local First “We are not a corporately owned funeral home. We are local, and family owned and oper- ated.” stresses Wood-Humiston. “We are small enough to give personal attention, but large enough and experienced to accommodate even the largest of funerals.” Walnut Lawn Funeral Home, Ltd. – DeGraffenreid-Wood-Crematory was founded in 1989 by the DeGraffenreid and Wood families. Founded on the principles of pro- viding high quality and respectful funeral ser- vices through “Tender Moments - Tender Care” with “Our Family Serving Your Family.” Prior to 1989, the Wood family owned and oper- ated Wood Funeral Home in Hartville, MO, for many years. “Our family is proud to have over six decades of service in the funeral industry, providing unique and special celebrations of life with utmost care and respect, earning the trust of families for generations.” WALNUT LAWN FUNERAL HOME, LTD DEGRAFFENREID-WOOD-CREMATORY Address : 2001 W Walnut Lawn St. Springfield, MO 65807 Phone: 417-886-6127 Web: Walnutlawnfuneralhome.com Services: Funeral Home, On-site Crematory with Viewing Room, Funeral Planning, Monuments, Reception Area and Catering, Livestreaming of Services W h a t Yo u N e e d t o K n o w a b o u t A d v a n c e F u n e r a l P l a n n i n g
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