Springfield Business Journal_2020-09-28

DESIGN IMPLEMENT MAINTAIN Exclusively practicing in estate planning, elder law, and business law, our services include legal consultation and the preparation of: Revocable Living Trusts • Last Will and Testament • Financial Power of Attorney • Healthcare Power of Attorney • Living Wills • Life Insurance Trusts Limited Liability Companies • Contracts • Buy-Sell Agreements • Corporations • Charitable Trusts • Special Needs Planning • Medicaid Planning Trust and Probate Administration • High-Net-Worth Estate Planning • 1031 Real Estate Exchanges • Tax Planning Estate Planning | Business Law | Trust - Probate Law | Elder Law 417-823-9898 | parksjones.com | 1983 E. Seminole St., Springfield | 100 Prairie Dunes Dr., Suite 200, Branson A F I R M Y O U C A N T R U S T W E L I S T E N . W E C A R E . W E B U I L D R E L AT I O N S H I P S . The choice of a lawyer is an impor tant decision and should not be based solely upon adver tisements.