Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28
1 in 12 children in Missouri will experience the death of a parent or sibling by age 18.* *Judi’s House. (2020). Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model: Understanding Childhood Grief in the U.S. Retrieved from www.judishouse.org/CBEM. How we help Therapeutic Grief Support Groups Led by a professional with a master’s degree in counseling or related field for ages four and older grieving the loss of a parent, caregiver, child, and/or sibling at no cost to families. • Children ages 4-18 grieving the loss of a parent, caregiver, or sibling w/ concurrent groups for parent/caregivers • Young adults ages 18-30 grieving the loss of a family member • Adults grieving the loss of a child under 18 living in the home, young adult child, or spouse of many years Individual Grief Counseling Offered for ages four and older grieving the death of a loved one, for a fee. 417.865.9998 lostandfoundozarks.com info@lostandfoundozarks.com 1555 S Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO N O O N E S H O U L D G R I E V E A L O N E
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