Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement Enhance the well-being of the underserved and at-risk in our communities by mobilizing people of faith while uniting private, government, and nonprofit entities to improve the quality of life in the areas we serve. Service Area Southern Missouri including Ash Grove, Bell City, Camp- bell, Chaffee, Conway, Delta, Dexter, Everton, Exeter, Fordland, Hartville, Lebanon, Mansfield, Morrisville, Monett, Niangua, Pierce City, Plato, Pleasant Hope, Purdy, Puxico, Reeds Spring, Republic, Risco, Scott County, Seymour, Spokane, Springfield, Twin Rivers, Zalma. 12-Month Goals LCS is excited to open Y Gardens in 2020. Y Gardens provides housing and programming through an inten- tional transition process for youth to age out success- fully. LCS will provide support to help maintain housing and employment stability while residents attend Ozarks Technical Community College or work on other personal goals that will enable them to break the cycle of gener- ational poverty. How People and Businesses Can Help Community members can support LCS by giving financially to directly impact our efforts to address hunger, housing needs, education gaps and empow- ering communities. Volunteers are also needed to help with all our programs. Testimonials “We didn’t stop when the pandemic began, and we will continue to help so the families in our community can focus on what’s important!” - Site Manager, LCS Food Program “It (food during COVID-19 lockdown) really helped a lot. The kids were fed, they were full. The kids got healthy things, things that make what we have at home stretch and make sure the kids aren’t going hungry.” - Mom from Springfield, MO During COVID-19 lockdown, Life360 House residents were unable to attend groups or therapy and many lost their jobs. They were able to connect with Life360 Nutri- tion Services and serve as volunteers at the new distri- bution location daily. The residents were fully engaged and became part of the work family at LCS. They expe- rienced no relapses, no issues and almost all of them are now able to restart employment with some working as employees at LCS! L I F E 3 6 0 C O M M U N I T Y S E R V I C E S A D D R E SS 2 2 2 0 W. C h e ste r f i e l d B l vd . , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7- 9 8 6 - 492 2 W E B S I T E l i fe 3 6 0 co m m u n i tys e r v i ce s .o rg SO C IA L M E D IA facebook.com/Life360CommunityServices TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 1 1 7 TO P E X EC U T I V E Ted Cederblom, President & CEO Jeremy Hahn, Executive Vice President B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S Jimmy Beckitt - Secretary/Treasurer Missouri Highway Patrol Cindy Lusby – Director Community Blood Bank of the Ozarks Laurel Harvey - Rural Compassion Director Convoy of Hope 54 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT