Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28
G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement The mission of Isabel’s House is to provide immedi- ate refuge for children ages birth to 12 whose families are in crisis. By partnering with families and the com- munity, we will strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. Service Area Isabel’s House welcomes any family seeking help, without geographical boundaries, but most of the chil- dren who stay at Isabel’s House reside in Greene and the immediate surrounding counties. Funding Isabel’s House is primarily funded through generous private donations, including individual, family, and corporate gifts & sponsorships. Additional funding for Isabel’s House comes from grants and foundation gifts, as well as a renewable state contract from the Missouri Department of Social Services, Children’s Division. Every gift matters and every dollar is needed to maintain the highest quality of care for kids and to support families in crisis. 12-Month Goals As we enter our 14th year providing free, private ser- vices to local families in need, we’ll be focused on continuing to improve our trauma-informed and evi- dence-based practices and deepening the impact on the parents and children we serve. Additional goals include serving our 5,000th child, navigating the new impacts of COVID-19 while continuing to serve kiddos and families safely, and getting moved into the O’Reilly Center for Hope to serve even more vulnerable families. How People and Businesses Can Help IDEAS FOR INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES: Become a #TeamIsabel Volunteer; Shop for items from our Wish List; Start a Facebook birthday fundraiser; Give monthly to make a daily impact; Include Isabel’s House in your estate plan. IDEAS FOR TEAMS, GROUPS, OFFICES, & CLASSES: Shop for weekly groceries, like produce & milk; Host a drive or fund raising campaign; Join our Child Abuse Prevention efforts in April; Schedule a Group Volun- teer project IDEAS FOR BUSINESSES: Adopt a room or fund a major need; Sponsor and participate in our events; Become an “Isabel’s Tree” holiday giving campaign partner; Underwrite PSAs and Ads to help us reach more families in need Annual Events • Drive Out Child Abuse & Neglect - 10/17/2020 • Isabel’s Tree Lighting & Family Party - 11/23/2020 • Hooray for Hollywood - 02/06/2021 • The Summer Party - 8/12/2021 Testimonials “I trusted Isabel’s House with my most precious things in this world and was not at all disappointed. I adore you all, and the way you made my kids feel day to day is something I will always feel in debt to you for. I hope you understand how important you are.” – Rebecca, an Isabel’s House Mom I S A B E L’ S H O U S E A D D R E SS 2 75 0 W B e n n ett , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 02 P H O N E 41 7- 8 65 -2 2 7 3 W E B S I T E i s a b e l s h o u s e.o rg SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m / I s a b e l s H o u se @ i s a b e l s h o u s e @ i s a b e l s h o u s e s g f TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 3 0 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $1 ,1 72 , 3 67 TO P E X EC U T I V E : H o l l y B e a d l e, E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : L i n d s ey O a k l ey, P re s i d e nt , B K D C PA s & Ad v i s o rs B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Matt Aug, 1st Vice President , CoxHealth Plans Peter Harris, 2nd Vice President, Central Trust Company Andy Stewart, Treasurer, Morgan Stanley Brenton Kembell, Assistant Treasurer, JPMorgan Chase Bank Brittnee Mayse, Secretary, Community Volunteer Debbie Howell, Past President, Community Volunteer Tom Peebles, Carnahan Evans Cantwell & Brown, PC BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Zach Clapper, Ex-Officio, Community Foundation of the Ozarks Jennifer Corbett, Community Member Justin Coyan, Ollis/Akers/Arney Chrys Craig, Bancorp South Scott Crise, Associated Electric Cooperative Inc Shawna Davis, Community Volunteer Amanda Gooch, Mercy Mindy Hoff, Heart of America Beverage Company Lacy Martin, Commerce Bank Jacque Mattson, The Whitlock Company Dr. Kayce Morton, CoxHealth & Jordan Valley Community Health Center John Price, Carnahan Evans Cantwell & Brown, PC Allison Robertson, Ex-Officio, Empower Abilities Mindy Singleton, Community Volunteer Meghan Sponenburg, Community Volunteer Dawn Wohlgemuth, Community Volunteer Angela Vincent, Community Volunteer 50 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT
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