Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Service Area Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland provides the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to girls in 67 counties in southern and central Missouri, northeast Oklahoma and southeast Kansas. Funding Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland is funded through a combination of public support, retail operations and product program. Public support is raised through a variety of avenues including gifts from individuals, corporations, private foundations, United Way part- ners and gifts-in-kind. 12-Month Goals • Provide local girls with premier leadership develop- ment experiences.  • Engage and recruit more girls and adults to be involved in the Girl Scout movement.  • Increase our contributed income. How People and Businesses Can Help Invest in girls. Change the world.  Why support girls in Girl Scouting? Because at Girl Scouts, we know that when given the opportunity, girls change the world, and we have the reach and experience to help girls everywhere take the lead.  Your gift is essential. Investing your dollars can benefit local Girl Scouts now and in the future. Your personal contribution will help thousands of girls develop problem-solving skills and see the leader- ship opportunities when facing challenges. There are many ways you can support Girl Scouting and help build girls of courage, confidence and charac- ter, who make the world a better place.  To find out more or make a donation, please visit girlscoutsmoheartland.org and click “Donate.” Volunteering with Girl Scouts means being the one that supports her every week -- the one that watches her smile get bigger as she grows more confident. You can mentor a Girl Scout Cookie Professional during cookie season so she can earn enough to reach the goals she and her troop set or work with other adults to provide the kind of behind the scenes support that makes it possible for her to make amazing new memories at Girl Scouts, or become a member of our board of directors! Whether you can give a few hours, a few weeks or a few months, volunteering with Girl Scouts is flexible and fun. For more information on how you can vol- unteer with Girl Scouts go to our website (girlscout- smoheartland.org) and select Volunteer, then Ways to Volunteer. Testimonials Our Ambassadors have the chance to become Gold Award Girl Scouts -- the greatest achievement in Girl Scouting. When Chloe became a Gold Award Girl Scout she said, “I have learned how to effectively use resources, research, plan and execute a large-scale project. I feel this will assist me in my college endeavors and through- out my life in leading and setting an example of thinking on your feet and pushing through obstacles.” G I R L S C O U T S O F T H E M I S S O U R I H E A R T L A N D A D D R E SS 2 1 0 S . I n g ra m M i l l Rd . , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 02 P H O N E 87 7-3 12- 476 4 W E B S I T E g i r l s co u t s m o h e ar t l a n d .o rg SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m /g s m o h e a r t l a n d  @ g s m o h e a r tl a n d TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 52 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 6 , 45 0 , 8 1 5 TO P E X EC U T I V E A n n e S o o t s , C EO B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : L i n d s ey G o d f rey B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S Susan Vaughn – 1st Vice Chair  Gregg Bexten – 2nd Vice Chair Rebecca LaChance – Secretary Marla Moody – Treasurer Charlotte Angotti Emily Biagioni-Paulette Sherylyn Bradford Kristen Bright Fawna Coons Mary Daly Christina Essner Rachel Fuhrman JoAnn Graffam Barbara Kuebler Cathi Manning Erin Mitchell Blythe Richardson-Smith Machelle Smith Savannah Stepp Katie Vance Gary Wood Cecilia Young 40 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT