Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28
S P O N SO R L E T T E R SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 4 2020 GIVING GUIDE Dear Giving Guide readers: In the span of a few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has left a lasting impact on our economy, businesses and people’s daily lives. Every sector and industry has been affected in some way and the pandemic will undoubtably have an impact on charitable giving. Nonprofit organiza- tions have been shaken by it and now, not only are Americans unable to attend fundraisers and events, but millions of nonprofit employees are also currently out of work. As you’ll read in our article in this Giving Guide issue, Congress passed the $2.2 trillion CARES Act in March to provide coronavirus relief options to Americans and businesses, including two new tax benefits for donors to incentivize giving and help those organizations struggling in our current environment. These changes will help many nonprofits continue to carry out their tax-exempt status and charitable purposes to help those in need. While it remains to be seen just how the coronavirus and current pandemic will affect charita- ble giving, the massive relief package has offered up some solutions and incentives for giving, which is why we have included more details in this guide. At UMB, we strive to help our clients and customers through the good and bad times, while offering support and guidance along the way. For those who are actively looking for ways to extend their reach and complement their existing philanthropic and community practices, we believe this information will provide you with the details you need to know when considering giving this year. People tend to think of philanthropy as giving financially, but there are so many other ways to contribute to the communities we live in. This year lends the opportunity to offer support through virtual fundraisers and nonprofits that are looking for volunteers. As you explore the Springfield Business Journal Giving Guide, please take a moment to consider how you, your company or your family can make a positive impact on your community. We encourage you to inspire those around you to seek out creative ways to contribute to the betterment of the community. We have learned that leading by example can be the best way to make an impact. In 2019, UMB associates logged more than 22,000 hours of community involvement at more than 580 nonprofit organizations. The estimated economic value of UMB associates’ volunteer hours totaled $559,000 and UMB’s combined total for sponsorships and donations was more than $2.5 million. We believe that for a community to thrive, the businesses that operate within it must have an unwavering dedication beyond the services they provide. We strive to lead by this example. We look forward to continuing the many sponsorships and philanthropic efforts we’ve sup- ported over the last 107 years as a Missouri-based bank, and we look forward to continuing to provide the critical financial services and products needed to foster a vibrant economy and community in southwest Missouri and beyond. Sincerely, Shelly Addington, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, PRIVATE BANKER, UMB BANK Dave Compere, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL ADVISOR, UMB BANK D ave Co m p e re S r. V P, F i n a n c i a l Ad v i s o r U M B A D D RE S S 11 5 0 E B att l e fi e l d , S p r i n g f i e l d , M O 65 8 07 P H ON E 41 7. 8 9 1 . 2 1 0 0 W E B SI T E U M B.co m C H A I R M A N A N D C EO G R E AT E R M I S SO U R I R EG I O N To ny M ay f i e l d B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S I nd i v i du a l a d v i s or y bo a rd s s e r ve t h e co m m u n i t i et s o f S p r i n gf i e l d , J o p l i n a n d C a r t h a g e. S h e l l y A d d i n gto n S r. V P, P r i vate B a n ke r
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