Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S G I L L I OZ C E N T E R F O R A R T S & E N T E R TA I N M E N T A D D RE S S 32 5 Pa r k Ce nt ra l E a st , S p r i n g f i e l d , M O 65 8 0 6 P H ON E 41 7- 8 63 - 9 49 1 W E B SI T E g i l l i oz .o rg SO C I A L M E D I A fa ce bo o k .co m /g i l l i oz t h e at re @ g i l l i oz t h e at re TOTA L N U M B E R O F E M P LOY E E S 7 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 2 , 8 03 ,1 8 4 TO P E X EC U T I VE G e o f f S te e l e, E xe c ut i ve D i recto r B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : Ty l e r He l l we g , P re s i d e nt B OAR D O F D I R EC TO R S Ty l e r He l l we g , P re s i d e nt D r. P h i l ip Ro t h s c h i l d , Pa st P re s i d e nt B il l D u nto n , Tre a s u re r R ac h e l A n d ers o n , S e c ret a r y J o h n H o u s l ey B r i a n Fo g l e N a n cy D o r na n, E x- O f f i c i o Mission Statement The Gillioz Center For Arts & Entertainment exists to preserve the historic Gillioz Theatre and to enhance the quality of life for people in the Ozarks, visitors and resi- dents alike, through arts, education and entertainment. The Gillioz has been making memories since 1926. Service Area The Gillioz programming attracts tourism outside the region with national and international patronage in addition to serving the four-state area. Funding The Historic Gillioz is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) orga- nization. Funding is provided through admission fees, corporate, foundation and private donations and stra- tegic partnerships committed to the influence of arts in our community. 12 Month Goals The Gillioz is continuing a five-year trend of increased frequency and diversified programming. The theater seeks to address essential capital improvements on the historic theater in addition to developing more educational and community interactive programming. How People and Businesses Can Help Purchasing a ticket to any Gillioz function assists in the preservation of the historic property. Most historic theaters find 45-60% of their funding Essential Per- sonnel through donations and endowments. While the Gillioz has had significant financial support in the past, the current budget reflects less than 1% of funding will come through these categories. Corporate underwrit- ing of programming, private donations and strategic partnerships within the region are essential for contin- ued success. If you or your organization have a desire to donate or partner in our endeavors, contact Geoff Steele at geoff@ gillioz.org or phone 417-863-9491. Testimonials “I give my time at the Gillioz because it offers a wide variety of quality performances in a beautiful historic venue, while surrounded by friendly staff, volunteers, and patrons.” —Bill Cantrell, Lead Usher “As a teacher, I am surrounded by hundreds of kids five days a week. I found somewhere I could be around other adults and feel a sense of belonging socially. I absolutely LOVE the way The Gillioz is run, the people I get to meet, and the social interaction.” —Stacey Hatcher Pryor, Essential Personnel 38 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT