Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement We educate, empower and support underserved fam- ilies through personalized programs and coaching to increase quality of life and build resilient communities. Service Area Focused in northwest Springfield with programs branch- ing out to surrounding communities and rural areas. Funding Our funding comes from sources including our incred- ibly generous donors, our community hub sustainabil- ity model and grants from various organizations ded- icated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable populations in our community. 12-Month Goals In order to continue providing education with excep- tional programming that helps members reduce debt, increase credit scores and continue thriving, our goal is to raise $115,000 from our community. We are cur- rently in the final editing process to provide our curric- ulum online. Our effective poverty reduction method will be available to other communities and rural areas. How People and Businesses Can Help Local people and businesses are the foundation of a thriving city. For us to continue impacting the com- munity at such a deep level, we ask for support from our community through financial aid, the donation of goods and volunteerism. Annual Events Giving Tuesday - 12/01/2020 Fashion Forward - 08/06/2021 Testimonials Being part of this organization has given me true HOPE in spite of the daily ups and downs that come my way. I want my community to know that the most important thing is that I have gone from SURVIVING to THRIVING. - Daisy It has helped me to create a budget and set goals to both cut spending and start a savings account. This and other financial training has helped me become more accountable with my finances as well as the Drew Lewis Foundation team keeping me that way. - Jeffery D R E W L E W I S F O U N DAT I O N A D D R E SS 1 1 26 N B ro a d way Ave. , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 02 P H O N E 41 7-2 0 0 -2 2 2 3 W E B S I T E d rew l ew i s .o rg SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m / D rew Lew i s Fo u n d at i o n @ D L Fo u n d at i o n SG F TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 5 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 65 0 , 97 7 TO P E X EC U T I V E A my B l a n s i t , C EO B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : A my B l a n s i t B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S Dan Cobb Nate Dunville Keith LaFerriere Todd Parnell Travis Walker April Huggins Stephanie Smith Barbra Wallace Ramon Martinez Celeste Skidmore 34 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT