Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28
Without your support, there is no fight. BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION COVID-19 has made us all view our lives a little differently. Now, more than ever, we value our health and safety and appreciate those who ensure both. We also know more people are in need because of COVID-19’s impact on our community. The CoxHealth Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals ask for your support as we stand on the front lines, protecting patients and health care workers. Join us today and support our community through one of these COVID-19 campaigns. COXHEALTH FOUNDATION COVID-19 EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND Help vulnerable patients and front-line care providers impacted by the coronavirus. Donations provide resources needed most, like ventilators and essential medical supplies for patient care, PPE for medical professionals and need-based financial assistance for patients impacted by COVID-19. COVID-19 EMPLOYEE HEROES FUND To support our front-line team and thank them for their selfless dedication, the CoxHealth Employee Heroes Fund was created. This fund assists CoxHealth employees with personal costs accrued as a result of their time and service during the pandemic. CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK HOSPITALS COVID-19 BRIDGE THE GAP CAMPAIGN Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at CoxHealth created this campaign to help keep local children healthy and to help save lives. Your donations help provide a safety net for families with children who have been affected by COVID-19. LOOKING TO JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19? GIVE BACK . Donate at coxhealthfoundation.com or coxhealthcmn.com today.
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