Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28
G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement The mission of the CoxHealth Foundation is to facili- tate through philanthropy the quality healthcare, edu- cation and research provided by CoxHealth. Service Area The CoxHealth Foundation serves all patients in a 25-county southwest Missouri and northwest Arkan- sas region. Funding The CoxHealth Foundation receives its funding from those impacted by the quality care provided by Cox- Health. This includes individuals, corporations, foun- dations, grateful patients, participants in special events and anyone interested in furthering the cause of quality healthcare through CoxHealth. Funding sources include grants, honorariums, memorials and estate gifts, as well as direct donations to service lines including cancer, stroke, heart disease, senior health and others, and other donations directed to specific causes or fundraising campaigns. 12-Month Goals As in most organizations, our 12-month goals have changed dramatically from January 1 to today. The number one priority is to assist the health system with the resources it requires to continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. This has included soliciting donations of critically needed PPE, cloth masks and equipment as well as donations of food and other comfort care items for front line staff and patients. The CoxHealth Foundation sought donors to assist in paying for the COVID-19 unit constructed in 14 days. This unit ensures that CoxHealth is pre- pared and has the bed capacity to care for patients if the pandemic numbers continue to climb while still providing the highest level of care to all traditional, non-COVID-19 patients. PRIME Trucking answered that call from the Foundation and fully funded the COVID-19 unit construction. The CoxHealth Foundation also has the role of writing the federal, state and county grant applica- tions for the CARES ACT funding, to assist CoxHealth in recouping some of the unbudgeted, yet priority expenses that have been a part of this nationally declared disaster. Our goal is to be successful in this endeavor to assist CoxHealth in remaining finan- cially viable after the disaster ends without having to reduce any staff, programs or services. At the same time, the CoxHealth Foundation is still working to continue all services and programs it provides under normal circumstances and has been reaching out to our donor population to keep funding in place during the pandemic. If we can continue to provide financial assistance for care and special medical needs to our patients and hospital across all service lines, we will have met another critical goal for 2020. How People and Businesses Can Help The community can support the CoxHealth Foun- dation by wearing a mask, social distancing and remaining healthy. We all play a part in reducing the spread of the coronavirus. Secondly, donate to the Foundation and assist us in providing the resources CoxHealth needs to con- tinue to purchase PPE, ventilators, medications and all other needs as determined critical to fighting and winning against COVID-19. As a not for profit com- munity hospital, it is the support of our community that will keep CoxHealth strong post-pandemic and ready to continue to care for our patients with the highest level of care and diversity of services. Gifts of all size are welcome and will have an impact. Finally, continue to support the valuable programs and services offered by the CoxHealth Foundation through the virtual events being held, the annual appeal and online giving. It is our goal to assist our patients with their medical needs to achieve complete wellness. Your gifts allow us to fulfill this mission. Testimonials “My brother would not be alive if not for the outstand- ing care delivered by the doctors, nurses and staff at CoxHealth. I am donating today to support the COVID- 19 Emergency Fund to make sure that Cox can have what it needs against this horrible, frightening, life-al- tering virus. Bless you all at CoxHealth for caring for my brother with every ounce of your beings.” - Tony W., Springfield “Thank you to the CoxHealth Foundation for helping me to receive the therapy I needed after my car acci- dent. I have no insurance coverage for therapy. No therapy meant I likely wouldn’t be able to walk on my own again. I am now walking with a cane and getting ready to go back to work. I hope to repay your great kindness as soon as I can. Thank you all so very, very much for caring about me, my family and our future.” - Melissa K, Rogersville C OX H E A LT H F O U N DAT I O N A D D R E SS 352 5 S . Nat i o n a l , S u i te 2 0 4 , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7-269 -7 1 5 0 W E B S I T E cox h e a l t h fo u n d at i o n .co m SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m /Cox H e a l t h Fo u n d at i o n @ Cox _ Fo u n d at i o n TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 9 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 6 ,1 874 , 49 4 TO P E X EC U T I V E L i s a A l exa n de r, P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : Ty l e r Wat s key B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S Jeremy Loftin Sam Clifton Andy Dalton Kevin Williams Dr. Russell Detten Dr. Jose Dominguez John Foster Mary Beth Hartman Jeanette Hutcheson Ken Meyer Chris Nattinger Ken Teague Dr. Charles Woodall, III Cindy Waites Andy Bartholomy 32 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT
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