Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

Inspire Hope l o c a l l y For more than 50 years, the Council of Churches of the Ozarks has been working to improve the quality of life of our most vulnerable neighbors by doing together what can best be done together in the name of Jesus Christ. With wrap-around support services available through nine distinct outreaches, the Council meets community needs impacting every age and demographic. As an extension of churches from a variety of denominations and backgrounds, CCO serves more than 100,000 individuals each year. Food, clothing, and shelter are just a few of the ways we come alongside our neighbors to help improve the quality of life for everyone in our community. Together we can do more. Join us to inspire hope . V i s i t c c o z a r k s . o r g More Than 1.7M meals for children, seniors, and families More Than 3,100 new outfits for infants and foster children More Than 10,000 receive holiday assistance More Than 42,000 receive advocacy and mentorship