Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28
G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement The mission of the Council of Churches of the Ozarks is to improve the quality of life in our region through compassionate service and outreach to the most vul- nerable neighbors by doing together what can best be done together in the name of Jesus Christ. 12 Month Goals • Promote and maintain the highest levels of safety for employees, volunteers and those receiving services. • Increase value and support functions to those we serve. • Increase partner engagement and financial support. How People and Businesses Can Help Pray! - (1) That we will be known by our love (2) That God will send people to minister to and minister through and (3) That we will see miracles! Partner – Your gifts of time, talent and treasure make our work possible. Thank you for linking arms with us to serve our most vulnerable neighbors! Promote – Help us tell our story. We are still in many ways, a best kept secret here in the Ozarks. We have services to support every age and demo- graphic. From infant to elder, CCO seeks to serve those in need! Testimonials “It’s a great place to practice what you preach.” – Fred Palmerton, CCO Volunteer “The work of the Council of Churches of the Ozarks is important to the community because it coordi- nates and sets into motion the collective heart and will of the faith community to humbly and efficiently serve those in need in the Ozarks. Serving with the Council opened my eyes not only to the very real needs of our neighbors but also gave me assurance that we can make a difference if we continue to work together.” - Britton Jobe, Neale and Newman/ CCO Board Member C O U N C I L O F C H U R C H E S O F T H E OZ A R K S A D D R E SS 62 7 N G l e n sto n e, S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 02 P H O N E 41 7- 8 62-35 8 6 W E B S I T E ccoz a r k s .o rg SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m /ccoz a r k s .o rg TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 55 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $7, 31 6 , 51 6 TO P E X EC U T I V E J a i m i e Tr u s s e l l , C EO B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : L i n d a Me r kl i n g , P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S P re s i d e nt L i n da M e r kl i n g V i ce P re s i de nt To m R ya n , Retired Civil Engineer, MODOT Tre a s u re r M i ke P r u ett , CPA, Elliott, Robinson & Company S e c ret a r y A n it ra A p p l e by, Sanctuary of Praise C.O.G.I.C J oe Co ste l l o, Commercial Real Estate Broker, Joe Costello Company C h r i st i n a R yd e r, GO LEAD and Sociology Re- search Coordinator, Missouri State University Rev. D av i d Ke n d r i c k , Rector, St. John’s Episcopal Church B i l l H e n n e s s ey Vice President, Mission Mercy Health Co ra S co tt , Director of Public Information and Civic Engagement, City of Springfield A n d rew Ta s s ett , Vice President of Marketing, Central Bank Rev. Ad r i e n n e D e n s o n Ewe l l , Associate Pastor, Campbell UMC B r i tto n J o b e, Attorney/Partner, Neale & Newman Ke i t h No b l e, Executive VP - Commerical Division, Commerce Bank Ty l e r Pa d g i tt , Senior Pastor, The Courageous Church Rev. D r. B o b P er r y, Retired Minister, University Heights Baptist Church photo BG Studios 30 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT
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