Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT J e n n i fe r J a c k s o n P u b l i s h e r S P R I N G F I E L D B U S I N E S S J O U R N A L A D D R E S S 2 1 01 W. C H E ST E R F I E L D B LV D. , ST E . B 1 0 5 , S P R I N G F I E L D, M O. 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7- 8 3 1 -32 3 8 W E B S I T E s b j . n et C H A I R M A N A N D P U B L I S H E R J e n n i fe r J a c k s o n B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S M a r ty G o o d n i g ht , V i ce C h a i r m a n E r i c O l s o n , S e c ret a r y To d d B r i e r l y D i a n n e E l i z a b et h M a r ’ E ll e n Fe l i n D i a n a We b e r The staff of Springfield Business Journal and I are always proud to roll out the Giving Guide. We know area nonprofits are too seldom the central focus of our editorial coverage to truly tell their stories. We are equally convinced that the health and well-being of these service agencies, charities, arts organizations and health resources are at the very heart of our community and create the environment required for local business to thrive. Beginning with SBJ’s first edition of the Giving Guide in 2012, we received numerous emails and phone calls of affirmation from the various participating agencies that this was the vehicle they had been looking for to reach an influential audience with their messages. The Giving Guide has become a critical tool for area nonprofits to communicate their mission and goals, seek volunteers and donations, and more importantly share their successes. Though, as the 2020 Giving Guide approached, I had a certain trepidation. It’s been such a terrible year for so many in our community and around the globe. Nonprofits and service organizations are stretched to the seams. So many of the needs served by area organizations have only intensified in the wake of COVID, while money and manpower are harder to come by. I quickly realized, though that this year of all years is the time that area organizations need to reach the affluent and engaged readers of Springfield Business Journal with their messages. Springfield Business Journal’s 2020 Southwest Missouri Giving Guide is a call to action. Twenty-six area nonprofits and service organizations are featured here in a way that should challenge us to respond to the growing needs that exist within our community. You will also read about the many successes that generous giving and heartful service has made possible. You will learn things that will inevitably make you a more mindful giver. I hope you will read about our area charitable nonprofits and service organizations with that goal at heart. For those less certain about how to give, what to give or how much, the Southwest Missouri Giving Guide contains valuable “how to” articles written by professional advisers on smart giving. For those already in the spirit and habit of giving, the guide provides some practical information regarding the current legal, financial and/or tax implications of their gifts. Special thanks go out for the sponsorship provided by UMB Bank. Their support makes it possible for more area nonprofits to participate at a lower cost. Springfield Business Journal is proud to work with these organizations for another year of giving. We encourage you to read, learn, act and to repeat often! Sincerely, Jennifer A. Jackson, Publisher Springfield Business Journal 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807 Phone: (417) 831-3238 · Fax: (417) 864-4901 www.sbj.net · sbj@sbj.net AUDITPENDING SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL (ISSN 1075-2803) is published weekly, by SBJ Publishing Inc., 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807, phone (417) 831-3238, fax (417) 864-4901, email sbj@sbj.net . Copyright by SBJ Publishing Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without permission of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Springfield, Mo. and additional mailing offices. Annual subscription rate is $89.00 for 52 issues. Single copy price is $2.00 plus tax and back issues are $3.00 each, plus tax and first-class postage. Advertising deadlines are 10 days prior to publication. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Springfield Business Journal, 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807. Allow one week for new subscriptions and address changes to take effect.` PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: The records printed in Springfield Business Journal are duplicates or are taken from those filed for public record and do not necessarily affect the business or financial standing of the parties mentioned. Any explanation of these items would be published upon request. Under no circumstances will any judgment, decree or other matter of public record be knowingly withheld for publication by this newspaper. Every precaution is taken in compiling and printing all records of the courts, however, Springfield Business Journal assumes no liability for errors or omissions. Opinions expressed by contributing writers and columnists are their own and not necessarily the views of this newspaper. Publisher Jennifer Jackson · jjackson@sbj.net Associate Publisher Marty Goodnight · mgoodnight@sbj.net Founder and Board Director Dianne Elizabeth Osis · delizabeth@sbj.net SBJ.NET CIRCULATION Circulation Director Diana Weber · dweber@sbj.net ADVERTISING Vice President of Business Development Todd Brierly · tbrierly@sbj.net Account Executives Linda Merkling · lmerkling@sbj.net Valerie Pister · vpister@sbj.net Karen Ross · kross@sbj.net CREATIVE SERVICES Vice President Mar’Ellen Felin · mfelin@sbj.net Lead Designer and Photographer Heather Mosley · hmosley@sbj.net Designer and Photographer Amanda Miller · amiller@sbj.net McKenzie Robinson · mrobinson@sbj.net Writer and Designer Kristi Merideth · kmerideth@sbj.net sbjLive Producer Mike Coonrod · mcoonrod@sbj.net ADMINISTRATION Office Manager Amy Egger · aegger@sbj.net 2020 GIVING GUIDE 3