Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement Motivated by the love of Christ, we seek to improve the lives of the vulnerable by providing quality, com- passionate social services that meet local needs. Service Area Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri provides ser- vices for residents of the 39 southernmost counties in Missouri, with offices in Springfield, Joplin, Cape Girardeau, Poplar Bluff, Sikeston, and Van Buren. Funding Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri receives funding from a variety of sources including donations from individuals, businesses, giving society members and foundations. Other contributions include planned gifts, in-kind donations of goods, fundraising events/ sponsorships, and state and federal grants. 12 Month Goals Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri (CCSOMO) is seeking additional funding to provide rent, mortgage and utility assistance to households struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. CCSOMO HUD certi- fied counselors will assist homeowners who are facing foreclosure with loan modifications and other strat- egies to keep them in their homes. LifeHouse Crisis Maternity Home continues to provide 24/7 transitional residential housing to homeless pregnant women and their infants/young children with the goal of assist- ing them in achieving self-sufficiency through com- prehensive case management, access to health care, education, and supportive services. CCSOMO plans to expand the Joplin construction social enterprise and on-the-job training/apprenticeship program to the Springfield area to help those with barriers to employ- ment get marketable skills. CCSOMO will increase the number of volunteers and volunteer opportunities, so individuals with a passion to serve the vulnerable have an opportunity to share their time and talent. How People and Businesses Can Help Donations make our services possible, especially during the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. Direct finan- cial contributions, including stock transfers, are lev- eraged through partnerships and the work of volun- teers in order to make the most of the gifts we receive. Lasting gifts through estate planning can ensure a legacy of love by helping with the long-term stability of Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri. In-kind con- tributions, such as household items and vehicles, are utilized to help those we serve reach their full poten- tial and self-sufficiency. A volunteer’s gift of time and skill helps make financial contributions go further. Annual Event • Dinner for Life - 9/11/2020 • Roadkill & Rosé - 10/10/2020 • World Day of the Poor - 11/15/2020 • Bishop’s Walk - 3/27/2021 Testimonials VETERANS: A U.S. Army veteran had raised a family while working in the construction industry until one day his back gave out. It wasn’t long until he was unem- ployed and homeless. He was having difficulty obtaining his full VA benefit. CCSOMO met him living in his car, parked in the driveway of his deceased mother’s house. CCSOMO helped him secure permanent housing and his full VA benefit. CCSOMO helped a former U.S. Army air traffic controller into permanent housing. Along with the community, CCSOMO furnished her apartment. She is no longer homeless for the first time in 27 years. CCSOMO secured rapid rehousing for a U.S. Navy veteran stranded by the COVID pandemic. He walked for eight miles for a bottle of water as rural towns were shutdown. He is now safe and CCSOMO is working to secure him permanent housing. HOMELESS MOTHERS: “I was homeless and didn’t have a place to sleep most nights. I’d sleep on the concrete somewhere,” Brooke said. Everything changed when she learned she was pregnant, “I knew that it was time for me to change.” She found LifeHouse Crisis Mater- nity Home which has made all the difference. Brooke has been sober for more than two years and now has her baby and two other children. Colleen reflects on her life before LifeHouse. “I was broke and broken.” As a resident, she has committed to the LifeHouse program of classes and instruction in par- enting and life skills. “My experience at LifeHouse has rebuilt my whole outlook on life, parenting, and career building.” Like other homeless expectant mothers, Kelly was having a hard time, “My life before LifeHouse, wasn’t much of life.” Kelly was utterly alone. LifeHouse has since helped Kelly give birth to a healthy baby and build a solid foun- dation for a self-sufficient life. LifeHouse residents have given birth to 94 babies since opening in December 2013, nine of them during the current pandemic. Selected testimonials from Summer 2020 C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S O F S O U T H E R N M I S S O U R I A D D R E SS 424 E . M o na ste r y S t . , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7-72 0 - 42 1 3 W E B S I T E cc s o m o.o rg SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m /cc s o m o @ cc s o m o TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 97 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 6 , 978 , 39 0 TO P E X EC U T I V E M a u ra Tay l o r, E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N J u st i n Ro n e, P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S S u sy B a r r, Immaculate Conception Church, Springfield J oe Bl a nto n , Blanton, Nickell, Collins, Douglas & Hanschen Law Firm, Sikeston D r. Cy nt h i a B row n , MO Highlands Health Care, Poplar Bluff M i ke C h e r r y, Retired Vice President, Springfield R i c h a rd C u b a , Cuba Financial Group, Cape Girardeau D e l E l f r i nk , Retired CFO, Cape Girardeau D e a co n D av i d Fa r r i s , Key Drugs, Poplar Bluff B i l l H e n n e s s ey, Mercy, Springfield V i c k i K a r l ov i c h , Karlovich & Associates, Springfield J od i K i n g , Mercy, Springfield J i m L aw re n ce, St. Francis Medical Center, Cape Girardeau Renée Motazedi, Joplin Area Catholic Schools, Joplin J a m e s R a nd a ll, Randall, Masri & Randall Attorneys PC, Monett T i m Ro t h , The Vecino Group, Springfield J oh n Rya n , Spencer Fane LLP, Cape Girardeau L a u ra G u y- R i ce, CCSOMO Chief Financial Officer, ex-officio, Springfield 26 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT