Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Mission Statement To recruit, train and support community volunteers who assist the court in protecting the best interests of abused and neglected children in southwest Missouri. Service Area Greene and Christian Counties Funding CASA of Southwest Missouri relies on the generous support of our community through private donations and fundraising events, as well as local and state founda- tions and grants, including United Way agency. Donors to CASA of Southwest Missouri may be eligible for the Champion for Children Tax Credit for an amount up to 50% of qualified contributions. 12 Month Goals 1. Maintain a growing pool of CASA volunteers through recruitment and retention efforts. 2. Provide community outreach and education to raise awareness about children who are abused and neglected and how community members can get involved to positively change lives. 3. Focus efforts on financial growth and sustainability. 4. Seek opportunities for growth, expansion and col- laboration in southwest Missouri to reach our vision of serving every child in foster care. How People and Businesses Can Help Volunteer: CASAs (Court Appointed Special Advo- cates) are trained volunteers who speak up for the best interest of children who have been abused or neglected and are in the state’s foster care system. The CASA visits the foster child at least twice a month, attends important meetings on behalf of the child and advocates for the child at court hearings. When a child has a CASA, the child performs better in school, has more stability in the foster home and ultimately exits foster care more quickly into a safe, loving home. Often our CASAs are the only consis- tent person on a foster child’s case from start to finish. They play an important role in the lives of foster children, especially during a very uncertain time in the child’s life. There are over 900 children in foster care in southwest Missouri. You can make a difference today! Call us at (417) 864-6202 or visit casaswmo.org to learn more. Donate: CASA of Southwest Missouri relies on the generous support of our community. Businesses can get involved by sponsoring our fundraising events, serving on the Board of Directors or various com- mittees, allowing staff time to volunteer as a CASA and by purchasing pinwheels and holiday cards. The Champion for Children Tax Credit (up to 50% credit) is available for eligible contributions. To learn more, please contact Julie Good at (417) 864-6202 or jgood@casaswmo.org. Annual Events • Smash the Cycle Video Game Tournament - 10/17/20 • CASA Holiday Cards sold October through December • Lift Up a Child Fitness Competition - April 2021 • CASAblanca - 09/18/2020 Testimonials In early 2019, Matt was assigned as the CASA for “Jackson”, a 12-year-old boy. At the time, Jackson was living in a foster home and was so heavily medi- cated that he could not even work on a model airplane with Matt due to the extensive tremors his medication caused. Matt shared his observations and serious con- cerns with the case manager. When Matt attended court for Jackson, he advocated for a medication review and the judge agreed. Upon review, it was discovered that Jackson was indeed being over medicated and the doctor took him off most of the medication. Matt con- tinued to visit Jackson in the foster home and noticed the lack of connection between the child and his foster parents. He encouraged the team to look at other foster home options that might be more well suited for Jackson’s specific needs. Research shows that when a child is above the age of 12 in foster care, it is more dif- ficult to find a foster home, especially one that is willing to adopt an older child. Because Jackson was 12, Matt knew finding a permanent family may be difficult, but he did not give up! Earlier this year, Jackson moved in with his “forever family” and they are finalizing their adoption soon. He has continued to do well with his family, who connects with him and cares about his unique needs. Matt remains connected to Jackson and continues to play a huge role in his life. All kids need a caring, consistent adult in their lives. We are thankful for Matt’s persistence and the consistent advocacy and mentorship he provided for Jackson. C A S A O F S O U T H - W E S T M I S S O U R I ( C O U R T A P P O I N T E D S P E C I A L A D V O C AT E S ) A D D R E SS 1 9 1 1 S. N at i o n a l Ave. , S u ite 4 0 4 , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 0 4 P H O N E 41 7- 8 6 4 - 62 02 W E B S I T E c a sa sw m o.o rg SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m /c a s a sw m o TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 9 . 5 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 3 43 , 72 1 TO P E X EC U T I V E L a u ra Fa r m e r, E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : E r i c G er ke, S e n i o r V i ce P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S E r i c G er ke, P re s i d e nt To ny H o p k i n s , V i ce P re s i d e nt J e f f S c h m i tt , Tre a s u re r J e n n i fe r H a rg i s , S e c ret a r y B e n M c B r i de, Pa st P re s i d e nt A l ic i a A r m st ro n g M i c h el e B row n K i m C a s h J osh Co o p e r S h e r y l Ed wa rd s A n n H e i d e m a nn S a ra H o r n o r L a u ra K n e s e J oy L at i m e r S h a n e N el so n K i m R i p py C ra i g S ch n e i d e r N at h an S e a g rave C h r i s S h a e fe r L a u ra S t a r ks D av i d Ya k t i n e 24 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT