Springfield Business Journal_2020-08-28

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S T H E A R C O F T H E OZ A R K S A D D R E SS 1 5 01 E. P y t h i a n , S p r i n g f i el d , M O 65 8 02 P H O N E 41 7- 8 6 4 -78 87 W E B S I T E t h e a rco f t h e oz a r k s .o rg SO C IA L M E D IA fa ce b o o k .co m /t h e a rco f t h e oz a r k s @a rcof t h e oz a r k s TOTA L N U M B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 1 , 2 0 9 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $52 , 4 8 3 , 79 4 TO P E X EC U T I V E M i c h a e l P owe rs , P re s i d e nt /C EO B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : Re b e cc a Wo o d a rd B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S Re b e cc a Wo o d a rd , C h a i r E r i c L a m p e, V i ce - C h a i r M a r k J o h nso n , Tre a s u re r Z a c h a r y B u r t , S e c ret a r y S h i r l ey B row n Wa r ren D av i s C at h e r i n e G o o d n i ght S a ra h G re m m in g e r C a s ey M u r p hy D a n i el O g u nye m i L i n d a S te i n s h ou e r J e n ny Tu r n e r B re n d a W h i te Pat r i c k W i tt S teve W i s e Mission Statement The Arc of the Ozarks supports individuals with disabilities in directing their own lives as valued members of the community. Service Area The Arc of the Ozarks serves individuals and fami- lies with developmental disabilities in 20 counties in southwest Missouri. Community-based residential ser- vices, supported employment, community integration, education & recreation, CounterPoint Autism Ser- vices, Rivendale, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and Cornerstone Clinical services. Funding The Arc of the Ozarks is a fee-for-service agency. Donations are used to support non-funded programs The Arc provides. 12 Month Goals The Arc of the Ozarks will implement best leadership practices in recruiting and managing the workforce. The Arc of the Ozarks will position itself for future growth and expansion to advance the mission of the organization and will provide innovative services that meet the desires and preferences of its clientele and stakeholders. The Arc of the Ozarks will be actively involved in the community. How People and Businesses Can Help Many items are not covered by government funding, Medicaid or Social Security. With a $25 donation, you could provide a bus pass for one month or provide one month of cooking classes through the education & recreation program. With a $60 donation, you could send a child to therapeutic summer camp or sponsor one week of job training. A $120 donation could provide one complete set of clothing for a job seeker or two weeks of therapeutic camp for a child. Annual Events • Sporting Clays Shoot - 8/15/2020 • Christmas Extravaganza Gala Dinner and Auction - 12/04/2020 • Open Buddy Bass Tournament - 04/24/2021 • Monett Golf Tournament - 06/07/2021 Testimonials Kadence has been coming to summer camp for about six years. Kadence has a diagnosis of visual impairment and Autism which makes it very hard for her to communicate. The first summer was very hard, she had a lot of crying and self-harming. There were limited field trips that she could attend. Because of this there was also little to no social interaction with peers. This year she has had a very successful year. She attends 90% of the field trips and is self-harming less. She is interacting with her peers and has also received our camper of the week award for the first time. “I believe this program has helped her through the years,” stated Jill, Kandece’s mother. “She is very comfortable here and she knows what to expect.” Having the same consistent staff for four years and a steady tactile schedule with sensory breaks has been beneficial to her. She also can do many activities she would not normally get to do in the community due to her finances. This camp has also been helpful keeping her in a steady schedule which makes transitioning back to school much easier. It is very important for kids like Kadence to have a safe place to go and learn during the summer months. 16 2020 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT