Springfield Business Journal_2020-06-15

presented by “The survey gives us a glimpse as to how the coronavirus is affecting our local businesses and economy both now and, to some degree, what we can expect in the future .” Jason Gage Springfield City Manager R E G I S T E R NOW WEBCAST IS FREE J U N E 2 4 J U LY 1 5 A U G . 2 6 O C T. 7 N OV. 1 1 D E C . 1 6 S B J . n e t /g row t h s u r vey e conomic G rowth s urvey : FORGING THE PATH FORWARD Gain access to data most communities don’t have to benefit your personal, business and community economic future. Join SBJ for six forums as we take a deep dive into the 2020 Economic Growth Survey. You have the benefit of local data from 2019, 2020 pre-coronavirus, and beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as ongoing national economic outlook research being conducted by H2R. What is our local Business Confidence Index? Which industries are still optimistic? Together we will find opportunity and solutions in the data. Supporting Sponsors 1 R E G I ST E R N OW F O R T H I S F R E E W E B C A ST S B J . n e t /G R OW T H S U R V E Y