Springfield Business Journal_2020-06-15

SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 49 JUNE 15-21, 2020 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807 Phone: (417) 831-3238 · Fax: (417) 864-4901 www.sbj.net · sbj@sbj.net AUDITPENDING SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL (ISSN 1075-2803) is published weekly, by SBJ Publishing Inc., 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807, phone (417) 831-3238, fax (417) 864-4901, email sbj@sbj.net. Copyright by SBJ Publishing Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without permission of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Springfield, Mo. and additional mailing offices. Annual subscription rate is $89.00 for 52 issues. Single copy price is $2.00 plus tax and back issues are $3.00 each, plus tax and first- class postage. Advertising deadlines are 10 days prior to publication. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Springfield Business Journal, 2101 W. Chesterfield Blvd., Ste. B105, Springfield, Mo. 65807. Allow one week for new subscriptions and address changes to take effect.` PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: The records printed in Springfield Business Journal are duplicates or are taken from those filed for public record and do not necessarily affect the business or financial standing of the parties mentioned. Any explanation of these items would be published upon request. Under no circumstances will any judgment, decree or other matter of public record be knowingly withheld for publication by this newspaper. Every precaution is taken in compiling and printing all records of the courts, however, Springfield Business Journal assumes no liability for errors or omissions. Opinions expressed by contributing writers and columnists are their own and not necessarily the views of this newspaper. Publisher Jennifer Jackson · jjackson@sbj.net Associate Publisher Marty Goodnight · mgoodnight@sbj.net Founder and Board Director Dianne Elizabeth Osis · delizabeth@sbj.net SBJ.NET EDITORIAL Editorial Director Eric Olson · eolson@sbj.net Features Editor Christine Temple · ctemple@sbj.net Web Editor Geoff Pickle · gpickle@sbj.net Reporters Mike Cullinan · mcullinan@sbj.net Kathryn Hardison · khardison@sbj.net Researcher Kyle Boaz · kboaz@sbj.net CIRCULATION Circulation Director Diana Weber · dweber@sbj.net ADVERTISING Vice President of Business Development Todd Brierly · tbrierly@sbj.net Account Executives Linda Merkling · lmerkling@sbj.net Valerie Pister · vpister@sbj.net Karen Ross · kross@sbj.net CREATIVE SERVICES Vice President Mar’Ellen Felin · mfelin@sbj.net Lead Designer and Photographer Heather Mosley · hmosley@sbj.net Designer and Photographer Amanda Miller · amiller@sbj.net McKenzie Robinson · mrobinson@sbj.net Writer and Designer Kristi Merideth · kmerideth@sbj.net sbjLive Producer Mike Coonrod · mcoonrod@sbj.net ADMINISTRATION Office Manager Amy Egger · aegger@sbj.net 1301 E. Sunshine St. 417.886.2535 1435 E. Independence St. 417.720.4162 neighborsmill.com | 7 A.M. – 6 P.M. | Mon. – Sat. Tot a l l y Fre s h & completely all-natural wholesome goodness. # y e s p l e a s e ! Award-winning sandwiches, salads and pastries made in-house daily Burrell Behavioral Health and Springfield Business Journal partner for Be Well for Business. Access information, education, assessment tools and behavioral health professionals who can help employee groups and individuals. Learn skills to help yourself and others, geared specifically for business. for Dr. Shelly Farnan, a licensed clinical psychologist, earned her Doctorate of Psychology in 2009. Dr. Farnan has ex- tensive experience working with a variety of populations and evidence-based treatments in community mental health centers, private practice, and with the Department of Mental Health in an inpatient forensic psychiatric hos- pital. She has a passion for developing relationships, rais- ing awareness, and facilitating change. She has a genu- ine style of respect, warmth, acceptance and humor. Dr. Farnan knows and believes that change is always pos- sible and that it starts in the “small spaces.” As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Farnan, with a fabulous team, brought a dream to life through the Be Well Com- munity and now brings it into the workplace through Be Well for Business, putting science into action so that we can all experience the benefits and build resilience. LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS Licensed Psychologist, State of Missouri Certified Trainer for The PersonBrain Model Certified Trainer for the QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer) Institute Be Well for Business featuring DR. SHELLY FARNAN L A U N C H I N G J U N E 2 9 Look for more information in your inbox.