Springfield Business Journal_2020-06-15

28 · SBJ.NET JUNE 15-21, 2020 Sunshine & Hwy 65 ReliableSuperstore.com ALLISON ROBERTSON, 38 Program Director, Empower: abilities G rowing up on a farm in central Missouri, Shelly Rosenfelder never thought she’d become an attorney. But the idea took hold at a young age, and she made law school her goal. Rosenfelder took it a few steps further by graduating first in the 2014 class at University of Missouri-Columbia. She quickly got hired on at Husch Blackwell LLP in Springfield, where Rosenfelder is a Level III associate. Today, she might be defending a business against a wrongful termination claim in one case and in another a breach of contract matter. It’s all part of practicing commercial litigation at the state and fed- eral levels. Rosenfelder also handles zon- ing issues, employment discrimination claims and defends businesses against consumer claims under the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act. What was your first job? On the family farm, taking care of the animals, haul- ing hay, building fences and anything in between. I learned a lot of practical skills that have translated to my jobs outside the farm. How many times do you hit the snooze button? I love the snooze button, but my corgi Hiram has learned that the alarm means it is time for his breakfast. He usu- ally doesn’t let me hit snooze more than once. What’s your most treasured possession? My Johnny Cash “Blood, Sweat & Tears” record, which is part of a collection of old country records that my parents had. Music was a huge part of my childhood. —Eric Olson, Editor A s program director at Empower: abilities, Allison Robertson helps to develop, implement and oversee educational, social, support and advocacy programs for people with disabilities. Currently, she is spearheading the pro- gram Restaurant Access Points with the the goal of making Springfield restaurants accessible for all. She has secured $1,000 for the program between grants and do- nations, which will help pay for decals to display in windows to inform people with disabilities of the restaurant’s accomoda- tions. She believes education is a big part of helping the community to understand the needs of people with disabilities. Robertson has been saving a part of her paycheck each week in addition to look- ing for outside resources to help fund Empower: School, which works to stop bullying of disabled students. Outside of the office, Robertson serves as president-elect of The Junior League of Springfield Inc. What was your professional aha moment? Being in the right work environment al- lows a person to grow and thrive. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Get back out there and give it your best – especially when it gets tough. That’s when you’re going to soar. Have you ever met a celebrity? Randy Bacon with 7 Billion Ones. His work is beautiful and inspirational and teaches us about the uniqueness of every single person.  —Karen Bliss, Contributing Writer SHELLY ROSENFELDER, 31 Associate Attorney, Husch Blackwell LLP Another Faith Fellowship facility by Rich Kramer. Call Rich or Lowell. Providing a foundation for the faith fellowship. First Baptist Church, Kimberling City JESSICA ROSA