Springfield Business Journal_2020-06-15

26 · SBJ.NET JUNE 15-21, 2020 Visit SpringfieldsBest.com for all current members. Contact Executive Director Regan O’Rourke at 417.868.0290 PCNET Since 1987, PCnet has been delivering superior IT services to clients across the country. We work with clients in many different industries and will help tailor a solution to fit your exact needs. Our team has the business and IT experience to take your company to new heights. We take IT off of your plate allowing you to focus on what you do best, running your business. Our Pulse IT Management is like hiring an IT department for a fraction of the cost. IT consulting, outsourced helpdesk, backups and disaster recovery, cloud solutions, whatever your needs PCnet has your back! 417-831-1700 | www.pcnetinc.com ANDY DRENNEN Vice President & Portfolio Manager Central Trust Company We are very proud of your 40 Under 40 accomplishment and truly appreciate your hard work and continued dedication. From your friends at Central Trust Company and Central Bank. centraltrust.net 417.883.3838 centralbank.net 417.881.3100 | MEMBER FDIC CONGRATULATIONS! TYLER OVERSTREET, 36 Principal, Republic High School T yler Overstreet has been around a school hallway a time or two. The Republic High School principal grew up with educators for parents, which he says instilled him with a passion for learning. At Republic, Overstreet has led efforts to create a student-run farm operation on campus, improve the fine arts program and add two employees to the school’s administrative team. “I enjoy being able to help create an environment in which students and staff can be successful and positively impact others,” Overstreet says. Overstreet previously worked in the Logan-Rogersville and Springfield school districts. What was your first job? Selling Christmas trees at Nixa Hardware. What are you doing to make the Ozarks bet- ter? As principal at Republic High School, we are preparing each of our students for a successful future.  What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? My dad always used to tell me that there are two types of people in this world: those who do what they are told and those who do more than they are told. Have you ever met a celebrity? Nick Saban, head football coach at the University of Alabama. What is your favorite hobby? Spending time with my family, watching or playing sports, floating, hunting, fishing, thinking about playing golf (I don’t get the chance to play as much as I’d like!) and anything Missouri Tigers related. —Kathryn Hardison, Reporter A ustin O’Reilly is firmly dedicated to science. The founder and CEO of Dynamic DNA Laboratories is working to improve the well-being of society at its base level, and that dedication has been present during the COVID-19 crisis as his lab joined the cause to test patients. “Our mission is to promote positive change in the community by supplying knowledge that would otherwise remain hidden in a person’s DNA,” says O’Reilly, whose firm specializes in molecular health and wellness testing and research. “By exploring our genetic code we can all live healthier, happier, more productive lifestyles.” Prior to starting his business, O’Reilly worked in Florida comparing DNA for a crime lab and communicating with judges, attorneys and investigators. Conservation also is a passion, as O’Reilly has traveled to the likes of Indonesia to track data on the dwindling populations of tigers and elephants. What is your proudest moment? Summited Mount Kilimanjaro, becoming the first group to ever mountain bike all the way back down.   What is your best productivity hack? Move more, eat better, stress less and love harder. Greens powder, probiotics, multi- vitamin, yoga, cardio, meditate/breathe.   What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Keep your eyes on your own page and stay in your own lane. There’s no traffic or speed limit there. What app gets you through the day? Spotify. —Geoff Pickle, Web Editor AUSTIN O’REILLY, 35 Founder/CEO, Dynamic DNA Laboratories LLC JESSICA ROSA