Springfield Business Journal_2020-06-15

SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 25 JUNE 15-21, 2020 Call today for the experienced lawyers at Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell, & Brown, P.C. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Uniquely Suited for Your Business 2805 South Ingram Mill Road, Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.447.4400 | www.cecb.com | cecb@cecb.com CECB congratulates Andy Peebles for being named to the Springfield Business Journal’s 2020 Class of 40 Under Forty! Congratulations, Mindy Honey! CREATING HEALTHIER TOMORROWS FOR STONE AND TANEY COUNTIES 417-348-8998 | skaggsfoundation.org | foundation@skaggs.net 4 0 U n d e r 4 0 H o n o r e e Congratulations to Andy Trussell (417) 866-5083 ambussys.com of Murney Associates on being a 40 Under 40 honoree! TIFFANY (MARTIN) NICHOLS, 32 Vice President, State Bank of Southwest Missouri T iffany (Martin) Nichols began work- ing for State Bank of Southwest Mis- souri right out of college. She started out as a teller but continued working her way up the ladder and now she’s the youngest vice president at the bank. As such, Nichols often is asked for a fresh perspective. She stays involved with the day-to-day operations while offering insight into management decisions. At the bank, Nichols hopes to help the community grow by working with fami- lies that are in the process of buying their first houses, teenagers opening their first accounts, parents saving for their child’s education and businesses getting up and running. Nichols also is on the young ambassador’s board of Lost & Found Grief Center and has been involved in charitable work through the committee of Muscular Dys- trophy Association Festival of Hope. What is your proudest moment? Through high school and some of college, I lacked the focus that was needed to feel proud of my accomplishments. When I walked for my master’s, it was the success of giving something my very best and feeling proud of the work that I put into it. What did you learn the hard way? Every- thing, or seemingly most things. Is there really such a thing as an easy lesson? What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?  “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Wear the confidence that you will need to have in preparation for what you desire for your future self. —Karen Bliss, Contributing Writer I n her 13 years at Missouri Sports Hall of Fame, Kari Norris has learned to wear many hats. She is the lead graphic designer, infor- mational technology manager, internship director, and is heavily involved in fund- raising and sales. In her role as vice presi- dent of marketing, she works with more than 50 children’s charities in the Ozarks through the annual Price Cutter Charity Championship. Over 40 fundraisers are held in connection with the annual golf tournament, which distributes nearly $1 million annually. Volunteering is also a passion for Norris, as she helps with events for nonprofits, including Habitat for Humanity, and mentors students in Missouri State University’s Entertain- ment Management Association. What was your first job? When I was 5 years old, folding pizza boxes at my fa- ther’s restaurant. What is your proudest moment? The efforts of our staff and community and what we are able to accomplish related to the Price Cutter Charity Championship presented by Dr Pepper. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? No. 1: Listen to it again. My father would always ask me to listen to a song again, watch the video again, read the chapter again. It was always about repetition, because you’ll always hear, see, learn something different the next time. No. 2: “Always perform like you’re in the 7th game of the World Series.” Ev- erything we do always has to be the best we’ve ever done. —Mike Cullinan, Reporter KARI NORRIS, 34 Vice President of Marketing, Missouri Sports Hall of Fame JESSICA ROSA