Springfield Business Journal_2020-06-15

22 · SBJ.NET JUNE 15-21, 2020 We salute your service to our community and dedication to excellence. Congratulations, 40 Under 40 2020 Honorees! C hristie Love is all about making connections and inspiring others. “Some of the greatest successes of others that I have had the chance to participate in have been helping others take positive life steps in new directions,” she says. Love founded LeadHer, an international faith-based women’s leadership develop- ment organization, in 2011. It operated until 2017, when she pivoted to launch The Connecting Grounds, a community-focused interdenominational church, in 2018. Through a partnership with the state Children’s Division and local service agencies, the Family Connection program was launched where the church hosts supervised visits for kids to connect to their biological or first families. During the coronavirus crisis, Love’s min- istry also provided an average of 3,500 meals a week. Partnering with churches and volunteers, such services as tax preparation, mental health and wound care, as well as COVID-19 screenings, were provided to homeless people. “When the pandemic hit, most other places shut down. We just moved out- side,” she says. What is your proudest moment? Walking in my undergraduate graduation with my children cheering for me. It’s never too late to finish what you start, set big goals and start new adventures.   What about your job would shock people? Our weekly worship services are attended by those who are struggling to survive, as well as successful professionals, nonprofit leaders, teachers and community leaders.  —Kyle Boaz, Researcher D avid Kelly, a first-year principal at Nixa High School, is no stranger to staff and students there after 11 years as teacher and assistant principal. He has served on the district’s strategic planning executive committee and the Nixa Education Foundation advisory board. He also has led numerous building committees and established a Veteran’s Day Assembly. Kelly is passionate about developing the next generation of teachers through the New Teacher Academy, a professional development series he established. As principal, he’s shifting teacher focus from content to instruction and student relationships, and initiating practices to create a more dynamic learning environ- ment. “We have some really amazing teach- ers who are excellent at their craft,” he says. “We are creating a culture where teaching and learning are at the center of everything we do.” What is your proudest moment? Anytime I run into former students.    What are you doing to make the Ozarks better? Education is the best vehicle for upward mobility. Every day we are work- ing to ensure 1,800 students are receiving the best possible education. What is your best productivity hack? Iden- tify the doers within your organization and then trust them.  What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? You have to be a good listener to be a great leader.  —Sony Hocklander, Contributing Writer CHRISTIE LOVE, 39 Pastor, The Connecting Grounds DAVID KELLY, 38 Principal, Nixa Public Schools JESSICA ROSA