Springfield Business Journal_2020-06-15

12 · SBJ.NET JUNE 15-21, 2020 Husch Blackwell congratulates Shelly Rosenfelder on being named to the Springfield Business Journal 40 Under 40 class for 2020. We celebrate Shelly and all the 2020 40 Under 40 honorees for their professional and community accomplishments. huschblackwell.com Arizona | California | Colorado | Illinois | Missouri | Nebraska | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Washington,DC | Wisconsin 901 St. Louis Street, Springfield, MO 65806 | 417.268.4000 Making a difference. Shelly Rosenfelder Attorney J osh Bade continues to expand his knowledge of Springfield’s health care industry through a recent pivot to Burrell Behavioral Health in February as head of the legal department and general counsel.  Bade, who established himself as admin- istrative director and assistant general counsel for CoxHealth in 2016, developed a systemwide ambulatory facilities plan to invest in primary care, placing similar services in one location and expanding the hospital’s footprint. And as a member of the Cox Medical Group Access executive leadership team, he helped primary care access increase by nearly 12% in 2019. The move to Burrell provides an op- portunity to be at the forefront of a new movement. “I moved over because I see mental health being the next step as a nation to move forward and make strides,” he says. “If you would’ve told me in law school that someday I will be a health care administrator, I would have called you crazy... but here I am.” What is your proudest moment? When my daughter, Hadley, was selected as the top camper at Kanakuk. There is no better feeling than watching your kids succeed. How many times do you hit the snooze but- ton in the morning? My wife is my alarm clock. She will literally make the bed with me in it if I don’t get up soon enough. What’s your most treasured possession? A pocket watch that my Papa Johnny left me. He was an incredible person that taught me the importance of putting others first. —Kyle Boaz, Researcher E verything Elizabeth Avery does points back to her ultimate professional goal: that every student and teacher feels safe and supported in schools. In spring 2018, Avery moved to Spring- field to work toward this vision through developing a school mental health department at Burrell Behavioral Health. Since then, more than 100 providers were hired to provide behavioral health services – for the first time – to roughly 2,000 students in Missouri. In total, Avery’s department serves around 4,500 kids. And their efforts are paying off. Last school year, 73% of surveyed students reported decreased symptoms of anxiety and a 60% increase in functionality. Avery also is committed to meeting the needs of her 350 employees spanning 25 counties and two states. She says she’s creating a work environment where they feel valued and safe. What is your proudest moment? The Youth Mental Health Conference that Burrell hosted this past October. We sold out. More than 450 people came together to learn how to better meet the needs of youth in our communities. What is your best productivity hack? I block time in my schedule to catch up on any outstanding to-do items. This gives me the ability to focus on tasks that need to be addressed in order. What is your favorite hobby? Spending time with my amazing son and husband. I also enjoy spending time outdoors, read- ing and music. —Christine Temple, Features Editor ELIZABETH AVERY, 30 Vice President of Youth Services, Burrell Behavioral Health JOSH BADE, 34 General Counsel, Burrell Behavioral Health JESSICA ROSA