Springfield Business Journal_2020-01-24
SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 45 WINTER 2020 MISCELLANY SPRINGFIELD AREA'S LARGEST EMPLOYERS Rank Name Address Telephone•Website Email Local Employees 2019 2018 Employees Companywide LocalRevenue 2018 2017 2016 Industry TopLocalExecutive(s),Title(s) Headquarters Year Founded Locally 1 (2) CoxHealth 1423 N Jefferson Ave, Springfield 65802 (417) 269-3000 • CoxHealth.com 11,754 1 9,268 12,514 $4,441,774,000 $4,188,897,000 $3,893,829,465 Health care Steve Edwards, president/CEO Springfield 1906 2 (1) Mercy Springfield Communities 1235 E Cherokee St, Springfield 65804 (417) 820-2000 • Mercy.net 10,123 12,723 45,000 $4,719,203,295 $4,537,594,913 $4,449,359,213 Health care Jon Swope 2 , president Chesterfield 1891 3 (3) Bass Pro Shops 2500 E Kearney St, Springfield 65807 (800) 227-7776 • BassPro.com 6,000 6,000 35,000 $8,000,000,000 3 $8,000,000,000 $4,600,000,000 Retail, hospitality & manufacturing Johnny Morris, CEO; Jim Hagale, interim COO Springfield 1972 4 (4) Springfield Public Schools 1359 St Louis St, Springfield 65802 (417) 523-0026 • SPS.org communications@spsmail.org 4,030 4,100 4,030 $413,991,274 4 $293,345,145 $281,510,200 Education John Jungmann, superintendent Springfield 1867 5 (5) Missouri State University 901 S National Ave, Springfield 65897 (417) 836-5000 • MissouriState.edu info@missouristate.edu 3,526 3,464 3,789 $343,974,293 $305,281,000 $274,218,000 Higher education Clif Smart, president Springfield 1905 6 City of Springfield 840 Boonville Ave, Springfield 65802 (417) 864-1000 • SpringfieldMo.gov city@springfieldmo.gov 2,559 2,530 2,559 $322,687,000 $313,227,000 $316,821,000 Government Jason Gage, city manager Springfield 1833 7 (6) O'Reilly Automotive Inc 233 S Patterson Ave, Springfield 65802 (417) 829-5727 • OReillyAuto.com 2,377 2,222 80,668 $9,536,428,000 5 $8,977,726,000 $8,593,096,000 Retail Greg Johnson, CEO & co-president; Jeff Shaw, COO & co-president Springfield 1957 8 (9) Citizens Memorial Healthcare 1500 N Oakland Ave, Bolivar 65613 (417) 326-6000 • CitizensMemorial.com infocenter@citizensmemorial.com 2,137 2,066 2,150 $501,353,250 $470,704,202 $440,639,133 Health care Donald Babb 6 , CEO/executive director Bolivar 1982 9 (7) Jack Henry & Associates Inc 663 W Hwy 60, Monett 65708 (417) 235-6652 • JackHenry.com 2,069 2,215 6,517 $1,536,603,000 5 $1,431,117,000 $1,354,646,000 Software & payment processing David Foss, president/CEO; Kevin Williams, CFO Monett 1976 10 (8) Ozarks Technical Community College 1001 E Chestnut Expwy, Springfield 65802 (417) 447-7500 • OTC.edu ask@otc.edu 1,918 2,097 7 2,002 $85,105,157 $87,695,496 $86,911,015 Higher education Hal Higdon, chancellor Springfield 1991 11 (14) Nixa Public Schools 301 S Main St, Nixa 65714 (417) 875-5400 • NixaPublicSchools.net quicknews@nixaschools.net 1,330 1,276 1,330 $31,257,144 $28,752,144 $28,246,944 Education H Gearl Loden, superintendent Nixa 1912 12 (11) Prime Inc 2740 N Mayfair Ave, Springfield 65803 (417) 866-0001 • PrimeInc.com primeinc@primeinc.com 1,295 1,254 5,133 $2,186,057,000 5 $1,875,031,000 $1,683,834,000 Transportation & logistics Robert Low, president/CEO Springfield 1970 13 (10) Chase Card Services 303 E Republic Road, Springfield 65807 (417) 225-3048 • JPMorganChase.com 1,200 1,331 22,000 $109,029,000,000 8 $99,624,000,000 $95,668,000,000 Credit card customer service Tony Polodna, operations executive director; Ryan Williams, vice president of HR New York, NY 1998 14 (12) TTEC 1720 E Primrose St, Springfield 65804 (417) 520-1795 • TTEC.com 1,050 1,002 48,000 $1,509,000,000 5 $1,477,365,000 $1,275,258,000 Call center & telecommunications Clayton Cooper, director of operations Englewood, CO 2007 15 (13) Phoenix Home Care Inc 3033 S Kansas Expwy, Springfield 65807 (417) 881-7442 • PhoenixHomeHC.com 996 930 3,550 $22,523,993 $19,906,807 $16,313,460 Home health care & hospice Phil Melugin, owner; Ben Spickard, corporate controller Springfield 2011 16 American National Insurance 1949 E Sunshine St, Springfield 65899 (417) 887-4990 • AmericanNational.com servicecenter@americannational.com 930 905 3,300 $3,326,000,000 9 $3,411,000,000 $3,228,000,000 Insurance Bernard Gerwel, senior vice president/ chief innovation officer; Shannon Smith, executive vice president/chief agencies officer Galveston, TX 1977 17 (15) Greene County 933 N Robberson Ave, Springfield 65802 (417) 868-4116 • GreeneCountyMo.gov 875 871 875 $206,856,404 10 $117,555,269 $116,105,682 Government Bob Dixon, presiding commissioner Springfield 1833 18 (16) T Mobile US Inc 2645 N Airport Plaza Ave, Springfield 65803 (417) 836-1500 • T-Mobile.com 825 825 51,000 $43,300,000,000 11 $40,600,000,000 $37,200,000,000 Telecommunications Drew Williams, director Bellevue, WA 2006 19 (19) Integrity Home Care Inc 2960 N Eastgate Ave, Springfield 65803 (417) 889-9773 • IntegrityHC.com carenavigation@integrityhc.com 740 562 2,110 $59,000,000 5 $56,000,000 $58,000,000 Home health care & hospice Greg Horton, CEO; Paul Reinert, chairman; Cliff Stepp, president Springfield 2000 20 (18) Paul Mueller Co 1600 W Phelps St, Springfield 65802 (417) 575-9000 • PaulMueller.com contact@paulmueller.com 650 625 1,021 $210,000,000 5 $167,597,000 $168,021,000 Stainless steel equipment manufacturing David Moore, president/CEO; Denise Silvey, human resources director Springfield 1940 As of July 22, 2019. Ranked by number of local employees within a 50-mile radius of Springfield. Springfield Business Journal relies on individual businesses to be truthful and accurate in their representation of information listed. To be considered for future lists, email kboaz@sbj.net. 1 Includes Oxford HealthCare, which will be consolidated into CoxHealth at Home. Oxford reported 781 local employees in 2018 and was ranked No. 17. 2 Craig McCoy was named CEO on Jan. 6, 2020. 3 Companywide; source: Forbes’ America's Largest Private Companies. 4 The district refinanced debt service to save interest on loans in 2018. 5 Companywide. 6 Donald Babb is scheduled to retire January 31, 2020 and will be succeeded by Gary Fulbright. 7 Employment included the Waynesville campus. 8 Companywide revenues of parent company JPMorgan Chase & Co. 9 Companywide; source: annual company reports. 10 Includes bond proceeds of $69,702,773. 11 Companywide; T Mobile's Springfield location is a customer service center and does not generate local revenue. © Copyright 2020 SBJ. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Researched by Kyle Boaz
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