Springfield Business Journal_2020-01-24
SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 35 WINTER 2020 SERVICE SOUTHWEST MISSOURI BUSINESS INCUBATORS Rank Name Address Telephone•Website Email CurrentTenants TotalStartups Assisted JobsCreated Targeted Industries NotableTenants Products/ServicesDeveloped OfficeSpace (SquareFeet) LeaseRates/Terms Amenities Ownership TopExecutive Year Founded 1 (1) Efactory 405 N Jefferson Ave, Springfield 65806 (417) 837-2600 • Efactory.MissouriState.edu efactory@missouristate.edu 30 930 1,570 Manufacturing, health services, logistics & supply chain management, technology Added Innovation LLC, Cart32, Compatio LLC, Let's Do Lunch LLC, Self Interactive, Solely Jolie, WebArc Technologies LLC Custom software solutions, mobile applications 40,000 Co-working: $100+/monthly membership; private offices: $300+ per month/1 year Fully outfitted conference & phone rooms, gigabit internet, VoIP phone lines, printing/copying/scanning, mail & package delivery, business consulting, mentor network Missouri State University Rachel Anderson, director 2013 2 (2) Ozarks Small Business Incubator 408 Washington Ave, West Plains 65775 (417) 256-9724 • OzSBI.com heatherfisher@ozsbi.com 13 291 339 Information technology, professional & technical services Midwest Mobile Imaging LLC, Southern Missouri Surveying LLC, Restoring Hope LLC, Mill Country Title, The Fisher Firm LLC Medical imaging, medical assessments, development disability support, land surveying, title work, nonprofit software, home health care 10,000 $275-$3,100 per month/3-5 years Fiber internet, meeting space, audio/ video conferencing, office equipment, fully furnished offices, co-working space, VoIP phone, signage, 24/7 access Downtown West Plains Inc Heather Fisher, executive director 2012 3 (3) Joseph Newman Innovation Center 407 S Pennsylvania Ave, Joplin 64801 (417) 624-4150 • NewmanInnovationCenter.com loni@joplincc.com 12 65 400 Tech-focused startups or businesses focused on a community need Accenture Federal Services LLC, Connect2Culture Urban biking apparel, e-commerce online marketing 5,500 Private offices: $300-$1,900, co- working $150+/Month- to-month Conference rooms, co-working, break room, 24/7 access, internet & utilities, entrepreneur education series Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation Loni Smith, director of small business incubation 2005 4 (4) Carl G Hefner Enterprise Center 1471 W South St, Ozark 65721 (417) 581-6139 • TheEnterpriseCenter.org info@theenterprisecenter.org 5 20 45 Tech, office administration Voice XP, Show Me Systems LLC, The Sassy Tax Advisor LLC Dedicated municipal Alexa Skills app for the city of Ozark 1,200 $200-$700/month- to-month Meeting & conference space, reception services, business counseling, office equipment, virtual office space Carl G Hefner Enterprise Center Anna Evans, executive director 2013 As of Sept. 23, 2019. Ranked by number of tenants. The previous year's rankings are in parentheses. SBJ relies on individual businesses to be truthful and accurate in their representation of information listed. To be considered for future lists, email kboaz@sbj.net. © Copyright 2020 SBJ. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Researched by Kyle Boaz
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