Springfield Business Journal_2020-01-24
34 · SBJ.NET WINTER 2020 SERVICE 3057 EAST CAIRO SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI 65802 WWW.BUDDYWEBBCO.COM “The personal attention by Buddy Webb & Company throughout the development of each of our projects ensures a complete, detailed, and thorough product to the owner. The professionalism and commitment that has been given to our agency is second to none.” -State of Missouri Construction & Facilities Management Office Buddy Webb & Company would be an asset for any City to work with. They take pride in their work and work hard for their clients. -City of Pierce City, Missouri Our design will enhance your experience. Our experience will enhance your design. AREA'S LARGEST ADVERTISING AGENCIES Rank Name Address Telephone•Website Email LocalEmployees Services RepresentativeClients TopLocalExecutive(s),Title(s) YearFoundedLocally 1 (1) Marlin Network 1200 E Woodhurst Drive, Bldg V, Springfield 65804 (417) 885-4500 • MarlinNetwork.com 200 Communications, advertising, culinary, strategic planning, branding, new product & menu development, web/digital strategy Tyson Foods, Unilever Manufacturing, Nestle Sheri Austin, GM/EVP; Tim Bade, chief creative director 1985 2 (2) ADsmith Marketing & Advertising 1736 E Sunshine St, Ste 801, Springfield 65804 (417) 881-7722 • ADsmith.biz admin@adsmith.biz 20 Research, strategic marketing, branding, content creation, design, web development, video production, digital & social media, media analysis Integrity Home Care & Hospice, Great Southern Bank, Maxon Fine Jewelry Angela Smith, owner; Ken Taylor, president 2000 3 Frank & Maven 2424 W Kingsley St, Ste E, Springfield 65807 (417) 268-9656 • FrankAndMaven.com social@frankandmaven.com 15 Marketing strategy, digital advertising, website development, graphic design, media placement, video & radio production Family Pharmacy, Dreamtime Creations Inc, Absolute Roofing Brandon Welch, president; Caleb Agee, managing partner 2014 4 (5) The Medical Package LLC 1200 E Woodhurst Drive, Ste P, Springfield 65804 (417) 890-9728 • TheMedPack.com contact@themedpack.com 8 Brand development, strategy, logos, packaging, collateral, web, intellectual property, media buying & social media Lumos Diagnostics, Abbott Laboratories, Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Laura McCaskill, president/CEO; Jill Sellers, executive director of Medavera Inc 1 2009 5 (4) Revel Advertising 429 Boonville Ave, Springfield 65806 (417) 368-6966 • RevelAdvertising.com info@reveladvertising.com 8 Advertising & marketing strategy, creative services, brand development, media planning & buying, web & graphic design, social media The Bank of Missouri, Missouri State University athletics, Hammons Products Co Chris Jarratt, chief creative officer/partner; Nicole Jarratt, CEO/partner 2010 6 (6) Schilling/Sellmeyer & Associates Inc 509 W Olive, Ste 102, Springfield 65806 (417) 889-3030 • SchillingSellmeyer.com sellmeyer@schillingsellmeyer.com 7 Marketing, graphic design, copywriting, print, broadcast & electronic production, media buying, web development, social media Guaranty Bank, Springfield Cardinals, Ozarks Coca-Cola/Dr Pepper Bottling Co Matt Sellmeyer, president 1992 7 Element Eleven 588 E Hwy CC, Ste 1, Nixa 65714 (417) 724-9427 • Element11.com solutions@element11.com 6 Web design & development, custom development, graphic design WND Dan Bennett, creative director/partner; Daniel Mayfield, software architect 2007 As of Nov. 18, 2019. Ranked by local employees, then by year founded locally. Local is defined as a 50-mile radius of Springfield. The previous year's rankings are in parentheses. Springfield Business Journal relies on the individual businesses to be truthful and accurate in their representation of information listed. Gatesman, which ranked No. 3 last year with 11 employees, now has two local employees. To be considered for future lists, email kboaz@sbj.net. 1 Medavera Inc. handles medical writing for The Medical Package LLC. © Copyright 2020 SBJ. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Researched by Kyle Boaz
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