Springfield Business Journal_2020-01-24
SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 29 WINTER 2020 FINANCIAL AREA'S LARGEST TRUST COMPANIES Rank Name Address Telephone•Website Email AssetsAdministered (Local) 2018 1 2017 Employees (Local) Officers Accounts In Southwest Missouri AverageAccount Size OtherServices TopLocalExecutive(s),Title(s) HoldingCompany Headquarters YearFounded Locally 1 (1) Commerce Trust Co 1345 E Battlefield Road, Springfield 65804 (417) 837-5269 • CommerceTrustCompany.com mymoney@commercebank.com $1,565,000,000 $1,568,000,000 18 11 WND WND Investment, estate management, IRAs, employee benefit services, private banking Chris Sweet, executive vice president & trust market manager Commerce Bancshares Inc St Louis & Kansas City 1967 2 (2) US Bank Wealth Management 1615 S Glenstone Ave, Springfield 65804 (417) 888-2200 • USBank.com james.b.johnson@usbank.com $1,200,000,000 $1,300,000,000 19 13 1,100 $1,100,000 Wealth management, financial planning, goals-based planning Jim Johnson, regional managing director/ senior vice president US Bancorp Minneapolis 1913 3 (4) Simmons Wealth Management 4625 S National Ave, Springfield 65810 (417) 890-7770 • SimmonsBank.com rodger.gadd@simmonsbank.com $1,175,000,000 $1,090,000,000 17 10 1,400 $840,000 Investment management, trust administration, IRAs, employee benefit services Rodger Gadd, regional president; Dwight Rahmeyer, regional chairman Simmons First National Corp Pine Bluff, AR 1998 4 (3) Central Trust Co 3333 S National Ave, Springfield 65807 (417) 883-3838 • CentralTrust.net customer.service@centraltrust.net $1,049,872,454 $1,118,290,089 28 16 1,636 $640,000 Wealth & retirement planning, investment management, trust & estate services Diane Homan, executive vice president & Springfield market executive; Ken Homan, senior vice president & senior portfolio manager Central Bancompany Inc Jefferson City 2009 5 (5) UMB Private Wealth Management 1150 E Battlefield Road, Springfield 65807 (417) 891-2100 • UMB.com shelly.addington@umb.com $298,000,000 $152,503,679 4 3 360 $827,000 Investment management, brokerage services, insurance, private banking, mortgages, asset loans Shelly Addington, vice president of private banking; David Compere, SVP UMB Financial Corp Kansas City 1913 6 (6) Arvest Wealth Management 4140 S Fremont Ave, Springfield 65804 (417) 885-7224 • Arvest.com/wealth tbarnas@arvest.com $120,988,000 $103,065,000 21 15 90 $1,344,311 Wealth management, private banking, financial planning, insurance, investment management Tracy Barnas, executive vice president & regional manager; Brad Crain 2 , president Arvest Bank Lowell, AR 2007 7 (7) Missouri Trust and Investment Co 3100 S National Ave, Ste 200, Springfield 65807 (417) 450-4797 • MissouriTrustandInvestment.com info@missouritrustcompany.com $99,374,000 $55,391,000 7 5 187 $526,500 Investment management, trust & estate administration, IRAs & retirement plans, financial, college, trust & estate planning Richard Russell, CEO; Tim Parrish, president Missouri Trust Shares Inc Springfield 2017 As of June 10, 2019. Ranked by 2018 assets administered within 50 miles of Springfield. The previous year's rankings are in parentheses. Springfield Business Journal relies on the individual businesses to be truthful and accurate in their representation of information listed. WND: Would not disclose. To be considered for future lists, email kboaz@sbj.net. 1 Includes custody assets. 2 Brad Crain was named president and CEO for Arvest Bank in Benton County, Arkansas, effective Jan. 27, 2020. © Copyright 2020 SBJ. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Researched by Kyle Boaz
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