Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S V I C T O R Y M I S S I O N + M I N I S T R Y A D D R E S S 1 7 1 5 N B oo n ev i l l e, S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 03 P H O N E 41 7- 8 6 4-2 2 0 0 W E B S I T E v i cto r ym i ss i o n .co m SO C IA L ME D IA / S pr i n g fi e l d V i cto r y M i s s i o n @ Sp ri n g f i e l d V M TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 35 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 2 , 72 8 , 3 4 8 TOP E X EC U T I V E J a s o n H y n s o n , E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : C h r i s H a r v i l l e, M i d M i s s o u r i B a n k , S e n i o r V i ce P res i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S B ra d B ro t h e r to n R h o n d a C h a p ma n Ph i l Co stel l o B ra n do n D a ke D ave E m b re e C h u c k G re e n away R i t a Gu r i a n B r i a n H a m mo n s K i m H a m mo n s M is s ey H aywa rd C ra i g H ei d e ma n n S u s a n H i g hley L i s a O d o m J oe P e c k To ny Tu r n e r S a n d ra B e a l e Discover your impact! Tour Victory Mission + Ministry and engage in conversation with Executive Director Jason Hynson about homelessness and poverty in our community. See how you can help Victory use intentional relationships and the gospel to transform lives. Visit victorymission.com/tour to RSVP for our next tour. Testimonials “I have a family now: a family in Christ. And my identity as a Christian man is core. I can walk with dignity…with courage and grace and a brand new confidence I am going to walk this out and become restored to the man I was always meant to be.” — Charlie Romine, Restoration Program Participant “I now have a real hope that I still can and will make a difference in the lives of others and through Jesus bring them from brokenness to breakthroughs.” —Jamal Jennings, Restoration Program Participant “[Serving as a class mentor] was such an amazing blessing. For me to be a part of these young men’s journey as a brother and as a mentor was wonderful. They have grown in confidence and in faith that God is for them and has a plan for each one of them as they enter this new season of stepping into employ- ment. [The] class was awesome and I want to thank God for using me in this capacity and thank Victory Mission for being such an amazing representation of showing every life having purpose.” —Cecil Quinn, Jobs for Life Mentor and Program Graduate. Mission Statement We share God’s love through intentional relationships for the restoration of a brokenhearted world. Service Area Springfield, Missouri and surrounding communities Funding 80% of Victory Mission + Ministry’s funding comes from Springfield area donors, partners, and friends. Victory is able to empower the community through the generosity of individuals, churches, local busi- nesses, and foundations who share our belief that every life has purpose. 12 Month Goals Victory wants to continue to bring life transforma- tion to those seeking a new way of living. Victory uses intentional relationships to walk with those we serve. Victory houses a number of programs for both men and women facing crisis situations. Using case management, licensed mental health care, mentor- ship relationships, and a variety of classes, Victory impacts individuals within the various programs. Victory Mission + Ministry will continue to see resto- ration among individuals facing homelessness and extreme poverty. Come see life transformation! Annual Events • Victory Ride – October 4, 2019 • Holiday Basket Delivery – Winter 2019 • Prayer Breakfast – January 30, 2020 • SingleMomzRock Valentine’s Banquet – February 15, 2020 How People and Businesses Can Help Purchase coffee for your home or office! Men from Victory programs package and distribute coffee from some of Springfield’s premium small-batch roasters. 100% of For Victory proceeds circle back to the organi- zation, providing employment opportunities for Victory men and funding for Victory Mission + Ministry. You can place an order at forvictorycoffee.com. Mentor men and women seeking restoration! Build intentional relationships with people looking for life change. Mentor individuals as they develop a biblical understanding of vocation, finances, relationships, and other areas of their life. Help them discover God’s plan for their lives as you encourage them to complete Victory Mission programs. Serve with us! Join the Victory team by distributing food and clothing to people facing crises, building safe and dignified spaces for ministry, or joining us for special projects to raise awareness about eradicating homelessness and poverty in Springfield, Missouri.  Host a drive! Help bring relief to those in emergency situations by collecting food, clothing, linens, and toiletries for us to distribute through our food pantry, clothing bank, and men’s shelter. Connect with Victory to host a drive within your workplace, church, school, or group.  88 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT