Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Annual Events • Kansas City Chiefs Red Friday – September 6, 2019 • 5th Annual Red Shoe Gala – October 18, 2019 • Cup O’Cheer Holiday Homes Tour, Tea & Market – November 22, 2019 • Sertoma Grin Iron Classic – June 5, 2020 How People and Businesses Can Help The Tooth Truck and Ronald McDonald Houses were built and continue to operate because of our gener- ous community and there are multiple ways, both big and small, to help our children and families, includ- ing the Family Dinner Program, cash contributions, collecting pop tabs, underwriting items on our Wish List, Volunteering weekly or for special events, drop- ping your change in a Donation Box at McDonald’s, buying a Chiefs Flag on Red Friday (Sept 6), spon- soring one of our events, adopting a room at Ronald McDonald Houses through our Heart the Houses Campaign, attending Cup O’Cheer and the Red Shoe Gala, underwriting a Tooth Truck treatment plan for a child, funding capital needs and special projects, and remembering Ronald McDonald House Charities in your estate plans. Testimonial “Our 18-year-old son Brandon was in a swimming accident while camping. He was rushed to the hospi- tal, and then sent by helicopter to Springfield where he stayed for 10 days. The Ronald McDonald House provided everything for us. I honestly do not know what we would have done if we weren’t able to stay there. It was so comforting to be able to talk to other families who were hurting like us. I am so thankful to the Ronald McDonald House for providing a family atmosphere during a tragic time in our lives. Bless you, all your staff and volunteers for all their hard work and love they give to others.” Wayne and Michella Seawright of Yellville, Arkansas Mission Statement Directly improve the health and well-being of children and families in the Ozarks through two Ronald McDonald Houses in Springfield (near Cox South and within Mercy Kids), the Tooth Truck (our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile), and our daily on-site tooth-brushing program, the Healthy Smiles Academy. Service Area Springfield’s two Ronald McDonald Houses primarily serve families from southern Missouri and northwest Arkansas; however, over the past 31 years we’ve helped families from 47 states and 6 foreign coun- tries. The Tooth Truck and Healthy Smiles Academy focus their efforts in southwest Missouri including Springfield, Republic, Willard, Billings, Clever, Cass- ville, Verona, and Monett. Funding The Ronald McDonald Houses are funded entirely by donations from the community, including cash gifts, event proceeds, and in-kind goods and services. The Tooth Truck receives approximately $250,000 annually from Medicaid reimbursement and the $400,000+ remaining of its operating budget is funded through local contributions and grants. 12 Month Goals In the upcoming year, we will help more than 800 families of seriously ill children at our Ronald McDon- ald Houses, complete the dental treatment plans of nearly 1,800 children on the Tooth Truck, and impact the dental health of at least 3,750 children through the Healthy Smiles Academy. Our Board of Directors is finalizing a long-term funding strategy for the organiza- tion that includes continuing to meet our annual oper- ating goals and increasing necessary reserve funds. R O N A L D M C D O N A L D H O U S E C H A R I T I E S O F T H E O Z A R K S A D D R E S S 9 49 E P ri m ro s e S t , S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7- 875 -35 03 W E B S I T E R M H Coz a r k s .o rg SO C IA L ME D IA / R M H C .O za r k s @ R M HCO z a r k s /r m h c _ oz a r k s TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 2 1 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $1 , 4 07,1 8 4 TOP E X EC U T I V E B o n ni e Ke l l e r, P re s i d e nt & C EO B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : Pat r i c i a M u s i c k Atto r n ey at L aw, MV P L aw B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S B r i a n A s b e r r y D a n a B a r b o J e f f Be r tho l d i R ya n B l ume n sto c k S h a n e Cowg e r S cott C r i s e M el i n d a F ie l de r J e a n G ra b e e l J im H a l l a m Ed d i e M a r m o u get Pat r i c i a M u s i c k A n g i e Pat r i c k D o n n a Powe rs B ra d R i s by L a u ra Ro b i n s o n D av i d Tay l o r M el i n d a T h u rm a n Ronald McDonald House near Cox South Hospital Ronald McDonald House at Mercy Kids 82 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT