Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S P E R S P E C T I V E S P R E PA R AT O R Y A C A D E M Y A D D R E S S 1 3 35 E . Re p u b l i c , S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 0 4 P H O N E 41 7-7 1 4 -0 07 3 W E B S I T E p e rs p e ct i ve s p re p a rato r y.co m SO C IA L ME D IA /p e rs p e ct i ve s p re p TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 1 0 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 69 8 , 42 2 TOP E X EC U T I V E Co ur t n ey U n g a ro, E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : Co ur t n ey U n g a ro, P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S To m N o rri d K at i e T h ie m an L i z D o d d J e n We l to n (Adding new board members in August 2019) Testimonials “The Team at Perspectives has opened doors for our son when others were discouragingly closing. We are so grateful for this unique forward-thinking approach to learning and life... that actually works and inspires on so many different levels for not only our son, but for our family as well. We are so encouraged and confident he is on the path to his highest potential.” —Vanessa Ashlock “Every child should be lucky enough to participate in this education model. Perspectives Preparatory Academy has taken evidence-based research, and a gold standard staff, & created a beautiful facility for learning and building skills for the future. We have needed a place like this for years. There are dozens, actually hundreds, of students that need an alternative school that are designed for how they think- their gifts, their strengths” —Angela Vincent “Camden was blessed with an exceptional brain. At PPA his struggles have all been embraced and his strengths have been celebrated. Camden has shown nothing but growth the last two years at PPA, he consistently tests levels ahead of his age and has grown more as a whole person than we could have ever imagined.” —Kelsey Cain “Having a child who is twice exceptional (gifted and also has autism) brings some unique educational challenges. Not only has PPA helped her learn strate- gies to use her strengths to overcome the weaknesses that having autism present, but she has also learned to use her gifted strengths and been pushed to excel. In two years, she has made up a gap in her mathematics abilities of over two years and is now working above grade level to align with her cognitive abilities. She is also working well above grade level in the area of reading/writing, which is something we could have only dreamed about in her previous academic environment. She is challenged to fail and pushed to succeed in a safe environment (perfectionism is a typical gifted trait – something she definitely exhibits) and now requests help with things she may not quite understand. PPA has met all of our child’s needs and allowed her to (finally) believe in her academic abilities! PPA has lit- erally saved our child’s life - academically, emotionally, and socially. She is NOT the same child who started school there in 2017 and that is the BEST gift we (as parents) could have EVER hoped for!” —Corrina Stanfield Mission Statement Perspectives Preparatory Academy cultivates a free and inclusive culture of learning that celebrates students’ unique strengths to ensure a successfully diverse future workforce through inclusion, strength- based learning, and advocacy. Service Area Springfield, Missouri and surrounding areas Funding Perspectives Preparatory Academy is funded by individual gifts, corporate donations, special events, grants, medical billing and tuition. 12 Month Goals 1. Increase student population, while keeping our 50/50 model of students who qualify for an IEP, and students who are considered neurotypical.   2. Increase our gifted population, which is currently 15%.   3. Increasing community awareness and support through special events. 4. Increase sustainability by transitioning from 100% donation funded, to a more diversified funding model, including grants, medical billing, and tuition. Annual Events • Blues, Brews, & BBQ • PPA Golf Tournament • Perspectives Gala How People and Businesses Can Help 1. Sponsor, attend, or volunteer for any of our special events throughout the year. 2. Take the Aviator Challenge by donating $100 or $10/month recurring through our website. 3. Estate Planned Giving through Community Foun- dation of the Ozarks. 4. Individual/Corporate Donations: $20,000 supports one classroom for a month or a student for an entire year. $5,000 provides technology for two classrooms. Technology is used daily to enhance our students’ learning experiences. $1,000 provides 14 hours of speech and language therapy, or 16 hours of occupational therapy. $500 provides sensory items throughout the building to support and advocate students’ needs during the day.  $100-$30 Provides daily sensory tools, flexible seating, reading, writing, and tools to ensure success. 74 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT