Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

O Z A R K S F O O D H A R V E S T A D D R E S S 2 81 0 N . Ce d a r b ro o k Ave. S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 03 P H O N E 41 7- 8 65 -3 41 1 W E B S I T E oz a r k sfo od h a r ve st .o rg SO C IA L ME D IA /oz a r k sfo o d h a r ve st /oz a r k sfo o d h a r ve st /oz a r k sfo o d h a r ve st /oz k sfo o d h a r ve st /oz a r k sfo o d h a r ve st TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 6 0 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 35 , 02 2 , 01 8 TOP E X EC U T I V E B a r t B row n , P re s i d e nt /C EO B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : D r. M e e ra S c a r row, P re s i d e nt M e rcy H o s p i t a l -S p r in g f i eld B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S To m my Woh l g e m ut h , P re s i d e nt E l e ct SGC ™ Fo o d s e r v i ce B ra d C ra i n , Tre a s u re r A r ve st B a nk J a m e s W i l s o n , S e c ret a r y NewStream Enterprises, a subsidiary of SRC Holdings Ta m a ra d e Wi l d , Pa st P re s i d e nt O ’ Re i l l y Au to Pa rt s Ku r t B a i n , Kra f t H e i n z Co m pa ny T i m B e l lant i , Retired, Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. C l ay to n B row n , P r i m e Tr u c k i n g , I n c . M ike P i n k sto n , M e r r i l l Ly n c h , P i e rce, Fe n n e r & S m i t h , I n c . J il l Rey n o ld s , Co m m e rce Tr u st Co m p a ny Ke n ny Ro s s , Ro s s Co n str u ct i o n G ro u p K r yst a l Ru s s e l l , S p e ct r um Acco u nt i n g G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S Annual Events • Hunger Action Month - September 2019 • Hungerthon - September 6-9, 2019 • Empty Bowls - September 27, 2019 • Check Out Hunger - November 1 – December 31. 2019 How People and Businesses Can Help A financial gift to The Food Bank is the single best way to help people in the community who are struggling with hunger. 96 cents of every $1 goes directly to feeding programs, and each $1 donation helps provide four meals. A $300 donation to the Weekend Backpack Program fills a child’s backpack full of six meals every weekend of the school year. Volunteer Opportunities : Individual and group volunteers sort and pack millions of pounds of food each year at the Volunteer Center. Volunteers can also harvest produce through the Full Circle Gardens Program. Businesses, schools, and churches can host food and fund drives for those in need. Sign up and learn more at ozarksfoodharvest.org/how-to-help. Charity Navigator Recognition Ozarks Food Harvest has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for seven consecutive years. Only six percent of charities across the country have received at least seven consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that Ozarks Food Harvest outperforms most other charities in America. Charity Navigator provides donors with essential information to give them greater confidence in the charitable donations they make. As the leading charity evaluator in America, Charity Navigator evaluates the financial health, commitment to accountability and transparency of more than 9,000 American charities. Ozarks Food Harvest is extremely grateful for this significant recognition. Mission Statement Ozarks Food Harvest’s mission is to Transform Hunger into Hope. As the only food bank serving southwest Missouri, Ozarks Food Harvest serves 270 food pantries and programs providing food assistance to 261,000 people annually. The Food Bank distributes more than 18.3 million meals annually. Service Area Ozarks Food Harvest serves 28 counties, some of which have the highest food insecurity rates in the state. Funding The Food Bank receives funding and food from individual, corporate and foundation donations, federal reimbursement programs and event sponsorships. For every $1 donated, Ozarks Food Harvest provides $10 worth of food distribution and services. 12 Month Goals • Distribute more than 18.5 million meals annually. • Save more than 700 semi-truck loads annually from being wasted via food rescue and the Retail Pickup Program. • Deepen the understanding of hunger issues and the roots causes of food insecurity. 70 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT