Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S O Z A R K S A R E A CO M M U N I T Y A C T I O N CO R P O R AT I O N (O A C A C ) A D D R E S S 2 1 5 S . B a r n e s S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 02 P H O N E 41 7- 8 62- 431 4 W E B S I T E o a c . a c SO C IA L ME D IA /o a c a c m o /O z a r ksOAC AC TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 4 8 0 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 24 , 8 93 , 826 TOP E X EC U T I V E C a r l Ro s e n k ra n z , E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : D ave O ’ Del l , OAC AC B o a rd P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S D ave O ’ Del l , P re s i d e nt T i mo t hy P rate r, V i ce - Pre s i d e nt M a x Ly t le, Tre a s u re r J e a n n i e M o re n o, S e c ret a r y B OA R D M EM B E R S J a n i e Fra l i n A l le n e Patte rs o n L a u ra Co c h ra n K at r i na G re e n S h e l l y Tre e ce R a l p h P h i llip s S cott H o u sto n D av i d R u s c h S a l ly Wo o l d r i d g e B re n d a H owe Ro g e r Bra d l ey S h e r r y B e n n ett Pa u l a M c Cu rd y C h e r y l L at h e m R ya n R i c kett s K a re n S i m m o n s C a ro l P o i n d exte r S t a cey R a m s ey G ray N o rd a n E r vi n U hri g Cy B o r tne r D e n i s e D i c ke n s J e a n M u e l l e r M ike S co f i e l d L a cey S to ke s M ic h a el Fra z i e r Testimonials “The other day in a class, my son was asked to list people that he feels support him. There were only three on his list: mom, dad, and his (OACAC GOAL) mentor. This program has given him confidence. He loves the days he can hang out with his mentor. I love to see him sharing information with his mentor that he would never share with me. Their relationship is very special. All of which is true. Thank you so much for including us in your pilot program!” “Study’s (Head Start) Nursery has helped me so much. It’s because of the nursery I am able to attend school and get my education. I have two kids. My oldest is two and my littlest is one. I had my first born when I was only 15 years old. I had no clue how I was going to be able to go to school while being a mother, but then I was told about the Study Nursery. The women in the nursery are the only ones I trust with my children other than my family. They are the most sweetest and loving people I have ever met and I am forever grateful for them!” “The (Weatherization) guys took their time and did it right. They picked up and cleaned up everything when they were done, and it looks the best I’ve ever seen it. I could never afford to do this work myself. I deeply appreciate it.” “Thank you for your patience and help. Last month I could not work due to medical reasons. I also lost my job because I could not work. I am doing better. I really appreciate what you have done for me. You understood what I was going through. You helped me with my utilities.” “I am a mom of three boys that had no way to put a house over our heads and afford to keep it. I just don’t make enough and unable to work more hours due to kids’ illness and my own health issues. Section 8 makes it possible to have a home, a yard of our own. My kids can grow and be true boys. It is one less stress in my life, I thank God every night for this program and how it helps my kids have a room, a home, a normal life, and helps me still be there for them and help me be able to feel great about myself.” Mission Statement OACAC’s mission is, “To enrich the lives of families and individuals within our communities by providing opportunities, offering assistance and empowering people to make positive change.” OACAC was organized in 1965 as a non-profit agency designed to work toward alleviating the causes and conditions of poverty. Programs include Family Planning, Foster Grandparent Program, Head Start/Early Head Start, Community Services Block Grant (Neighborhood/Community Centers, REALL, and VOICE) Housing Assistance, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and Weatherization. Service Area Our service area includes these counties in south- west Missouri: Barry, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney, and Webster. Our Family Planning Program also serves Wright County and our Foster Grandparent Program serves Douglas, Laclede, Texas, and Wright counties in addition to the ten listed above. Funding Funding for OACAC’s programs and projects comes from federal, state, community, and foundation grants, as well as donations. 12 Month Goals Our 12-month goals are to continue providing quality services, develop new projects to best meet the needs of the communities we serve, and to increase outreach, engagement, and volunteerism. Annual Events • Ozark Mountain Monopoly – October 19, 2019 • Head Start Holiday Smiles campaign – November 2019 -January 2020 • OACAC’s MO Mac & Cheese Fest – November 23, 2019 How People and Businesses Can Help The community can support OACAC by helping us reach those who will benefit from services and supporting our services through volunteerism, social media sharing, donations, and event sponsorships. 68 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT