Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S M U S I C T H E R A P Y O F T H E O Z A R K S A D D R E S S 1 3 1 2 N . B ento n , S p r i n g f i e ld , M o 65 8 02 P H O N E 41 7- 8 61 -7 3 45 W E B S I T E m u s i ct h e ra pyo f t h e oz a r k s .o rg SO C IA L ME D IA /m u s i ct h e ra pyo f t h e oz a r k s / TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 0 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 45 , 32 9 TOP E X EC U T I V E J ul i e C a s s i ty, P re s i d e nt a n d Fo u n d e r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : J ul i e C a s s i ty, P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S J ul i e C a s s i ty M o rg a n Ro b e r t s o n M att Fra n ce • Price Cutter Charity Championship Sweepstakes – July 23, 2020 How People and Businesses Can Help Donations: Donations by individuals or businesses help us to fulfill our mission of providing funding for music therapy services in our community. Sponsorships: Businesses provide tremendous help through sponsorships of our events or donations to our silent and live auctions. Volunteer Service: Members of our community can volunteer to assist with all aspects of non-profit management, including event planning, social media management, photography, bookkeeping, fundraising, and serving on our board of directors. Volunteers can also provide assistance in music therapy sessions working with a board-certified music therapist. Testimonials “With the scholarship from Music Therapy of the Ozarks, my daughter can continue her music therapy, keep making gains, and feel good about herself! We are very grateful that this is available for us. We know many other families who are in the same situations. By providing scholarships, children who have limited opportunities get to experience success as all children should get to do. They get to have fun, build relationships and find ways to be proud of themselves as they gain skills they need to shine and reach their full potential.” —J. E. - Mother Mission Statement To Provide the Healing Power of Music Throughout the Lifespan by Offering Funding Assistance and Building Community Awareness. Service Area Music Therapy of the Ozarks provides funding for music therapy services in the Ozarks. This may include scholarships to partially or fully cover music therapy sessions for individuals with developmental disabilities. The organization has also funded music therapy in Title 1 public schools (Boyd Elementary), at Isabel’s House, CoxHealth NICU, Victory Mission, and Maple Wood Alzheimer’s Center. Funding Funds are raised through hosting special events, individual and corporate donations, and grants. 12 Month Goals • Expand funding of music therapy services throughout southwest MO • Strengthen our organization’s foundation through board development, governance, and advocacy efforts.  • Build donor relationships Annual Events • Mardi Gras Soiree – February 25, 2020 • The 2nd Annual Rockin’ Roll Bike and Music Festival – October 12, 2019 66 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT