Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

Veterans with PTSD who have service dogs experience lower levels of depression and lower overall symptoms of PTSD. Studies confirm this, but at K9s For Camo we see the results every day as we watch K9s empower many of our veterans to re-enter the world with renewed confidence and security. Over 1.5 million healthy shelter animals are put to death each year in the United States. We not only save dogs’ lives, some within days of being euthanized, we give them purpose and a new path in life. They, in turn, inspire, teach and empower those they touch along their K9s For Camo journey. Our K9s are trained by offenders at the Ozark Correctional Center. Inmates in dog training programs have lower depression and aggression rates, as well as lower recidivism rates. They also gain marketable experience and life skills that enable them to choose better paths as they re-enter society. HELP VETERANS RESCUE DOGS INMATE REHABILITATION k9sforcamo.org